
unusual facts about probabilistic


Ant colony optimization algorithms, probabilistic techniques for solving computational problems that can be reduced to finding good paths through graphs

Albert Tarantola

Albert Tarantola was a Catalan-born physicist (Barcelona, June 15, 1949 — December 6, 2009), of the University of Paris (Institut de Physique du Globe), and author of the book probabilistic formulation of inverse problems (Tarantola, 1987, 2005).

Binomial type

Probabilistic and Analytical Aspects of the Umbral Calculus, Amsterdam, CWI, 1997.

Carrier sense multiple access

Carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) is a probabilistic media access control (MAC) protocol in which a node verifies the absence of other traffic before transmitting on a shared transmission medium, such as an electrical bus, or a band of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Copenhagen interpretation

# The description of nature is essentially probabilistic, with the probability of a given outcome of a measurement given by the square of the modulus of the amplitude of the wave function.

Cristopher Moore

In work with Clauset and Mark Newman, Moore developed a probabilistic model of hierarchical clustering for complex networks, and showed that their model predicts clustering robustly in the face of changes to the link structure of the network.

Gerard Salton Award

2000 - Stephen E. Robertson, City University London : "On theoretical argument in information retrieval."
For ... "Thirty years of significant, sustained and continuing contributions to research in information retrieval. Of special importance are the theoretical and empirical contributions to the development, refinement, and evaluation of probabilistic models of information retrieval."

Level of measurement

Further progress was made by Georg Rasch (1960), who developed the probabilistic Rasch model that provides a theoretical basis and justification for obtaining interval-level measurements from counts of observations such as total scores on assessments.

Naturesave Insurance

Influenced and inspired by Anita Roddick, the founder of the Body Shop, the company, and the charitable trust (The Naturesave Trust) were set up by ex-Lloyd’s insurance broker Matthew Criddle, on the premise that probabilistic assessments of the future would become harder to establish as global warming and climate change directly affect the insurance industry’s ability to meet climate related insurance losses.

Quantum Turing machine

Quantum Turing machines can be related to classical and probabilistic Turing machines in a framework based on transition matrices, shown by Lance Fortnow.

Random neural network

A highly energy-efficient implementation of Random Neural Networks was demonstrated by Krishna Palem et al. using the Probabilistic CMOS or PCMOS technology and was shown to be c.

Randomized algorithm

The inherent randomness of algorithms such as Hyper-encryption, Bayesian networks, Random neural networks and Probabilistic Cellular Automata was harnessed by Krishna Palem et al. to design highly efficient hardware systems using Probabilistic CMOS or PCMOS technology that were shown to achieve gains that are as high as a multiplicative factor of 560 when compared to a competing energy-efficient CMOS based realizations.


Aurel Wintner, mathematician; one of the founders of probabilistic number theory

Wolfram Burgard

In 1999, Frank Dellaert, Dieter Fox, Sebastian Thrun, and Wolfram Burgard developed Monte Carlo localization, a probabilistic approach to mobile robot localization that is based on particle filters.

see also