
unusual facts about prophet Mohammad

Sheikh Ali khan Zangeneh

According to this text, written in Thuluth calligraphy, Sheikh Ali khan Zangeneh dedicated four shares (out of six) of his properties in Ghareh-vali and Chambatan (local villages) for Sada'ats (descendants of the prophet Mohammad) and the two remaining shares for the Bistun Safavid caravansarai.

see also

Dalak people

A claim is now being made that they are descended from Salman Al Farsi, a Sahabah of the Prophet Mohammad, hence the new name Salmani meaning a descendent of Salman.

International reactions to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy

On February 14, Italy's Reform Minister Roberto Calderoli had T-shirts made emblazoned with cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a move likely to embarrass Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government.


Quraysh tribe, the most powerful tribe of Mecca during the time of the Prophet Mohammad


According to a story, Bulan came to the lands of Central Asia with the army of Arabic Warriors led by her beloved and, perhaps, her Master -Shah-Jarir (grandson of Prophet Mohammad).