
unusual facts about Safed-Bulan


According to a story, Bulan came to the lands of Central Asia with the army of Arabic Warriors led by her beloved and, perhaps, her Master -Shah-Jarir (grandson of Prophet Mohammad).

1660 destruction of Safed

Adler, Franco and Mendelssohn claim that the destruction of Safed took place in 1660, Mendelssohn writing that the Jews of Safed "had suffered severely" when the city had been destroyed by the Arabs.

The 1660 destruction of Safed by the Druze occurred at the time of the rule of Ottoman Empire sultan Mehmed IV.

Abuhav synagogue

The Abuhav Synagogue is a 15th-century synagogue in Safed, Israel, named after 15th-century Spanish rabbi and kabbalist, Isaac Abuhav.

Alexander Kohut

He belonged to a family of rabbis, the most noted among them being Rabbi Israel Palota, his great-grandfather, Rabbi Amram (called "The Gaon," who died in Safed, Palestine, where he had spent the last years of his life), and Rabbi Chayyim Kitssee, rabbi in Erza, who was his great-granduncle.


Rabbi Moshe Neeman Akiva of Antopal went to Israel and survived the Safed riots of 1834.

Bulan, Sorsogon

The St. Louise De Marillac School (Formerly Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion) a Catholic school run by the Daughters of Charity religious congregation, Saint Bonaventure Academy of Butag, the Southern Luzon Institute-Kenerino Ramirez Asuncion Memorial School (SLI-KRAMS) were the oldest school in Bulan, Solis Institute of Technology, and A.G. Villaroya Technological Foundation Institute.

of the Congregation of the Mission, now Representative of the Superior General of the CM to the Vincentian Family (the Congregation of the Mission is a Roman Catholic community of Priests and Brothers founded by St. Vincent de Paul)

Education in Israel

The 2012 Education Prize of the Israeli Ministry of Education and Culture was awarded to the municipalities of Ariel, Ashdod, Yokneam, Ma'aleh Adumim, Safed and Kiryat Bialik.

Giovanni Battista Jona

Giovanni Battista Jona, originally Judah Jonah of Safed, (d.1678), was a Hebrew writer at the Vatican.

History of the Jews in Brazos County, Texas

Born in Safed on October 20, 1884, Taubenhaus was chief of the plant pathology and physiology division of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas (now Texas A&M) from 1916 to 1937.

History of the Jews in Turkey

The Sephardi Jews were allowed to settle in the wealthier cities of the empire, especially in the European provinces (cities such as: Istanbul, Sarajevo, Salonica, Adrianople and Nicopolis), Western and Northern Anatolia (Bursa, Aydın, Tokat and Amasya), but also in the Mediterranean coastal regions (for example: Jerusalem, Safed, Damascus, Egypt).

Isaac Horowitz

Isaac Horowitz was born one of 11 siblings in the British mandate of Palestine, modern Israel, in the city of Safed.

James Bartram

He had a secret Jewish wedding ceremony in 1847 to Jane Ann Williams (b.1830) the daughter of Thomas Williams of Kilmagig Wicklow, Ireland and Eliza Leason (Pollard) of Safed, Palestine.

Judah Vega

Conforte confounds this Judah Vega with another person of the same name (not Bizo), who lived at the same time, and who went from Salonica to Safed, where he conducted a Talmudic school and where he died.


In Mantyasih stele, it mentioned the name of King Watukura Dyah Balitung, as well as 829 Çaka bulan Çaitra tanggal 11 Paro-Gelap Paringkelan Tungle, Pasaran Umanis hari Senais Sçara atau Sabtu, which means Saturday Legi, 11 April 907.

Mansurat al-Khayt

The village was also known by Mansurat al-Hula to distinguish it from al-Mansura in Safed and had a shrine for a local sage known as al-Shaykh Mansur from which the village was named after.

Meir Meivar

These arrangements, made with Mordechai Leibovitz (Ben-Ari), were the cornerstone of Safed's Jewish quarter defense, which was later proved essential.

Nehemiah Hayyun

His parents, of Sephardic descent, lived in Sarajevo, Bosnia (then a part of the Ottoman Empire), where probably he was born, although in later life he pretended that he was a Palestinian emissary born in Safed.

Operation Matateh

According to Yigal Allon, Operation Broom had a "tremendous psychological impact" on the population of Safed and of the Hula Valley to the north.

Sophia Latjuba

When preparing his 2002 cover album Dekade (Decade), Chrisye approached Latjuba to perform two duets, "Kangen" ("Longing") and "Anggrek Bulan" ("Moon Orchid"), with him on the album; Latjuba accepted.

Yaakov Dovid Wilovsky

In 1905, Ridvaz left America and moved to Safed, where he established a yeshiva, Toras Eretz Yisrael, and entered into controversy with Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook over the proper observance of the Shemittah year.

see also