
unusual facts about proscription


Aniconism in Islam

The most absolute proscription is of images of God in Islam, followed by depictions of Muhammad, and then Islamic prophets and the relatives of Muhammad, but the depiction of all humans and animals is discouraged in the hadith and by the long tradition of Islamic authorities, especially Sunni ones.

Quintus Aemilius Lepidus

Lepidus went to Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa who interceded on his behalf with Octavianus, who then ensured that Lollius’ name was removed from the proscription lists.

Revolución Libertadora

The Peronist Party suffered a proscription that was to last until Perón's return in 1973, even though Perón influenced the results of the 1958 and 1963 elections from his exile in Madrid.

see also