
unusual facts about province of Pavia


It is used to play music in the tradition of the quattro province, an area of mountains and valleys in the north-west Italian Apennines which includes parts of the four provinces of Alessandria, Genoa, Piacenza and Pavia.


Near Cerano, it splits into two different streams: the first joins the Ticino River, while the second flows through the Lomellina (province of Pavia) until it merges with the Po River.

see also

Antonio Maria Bordoni

Antonio Bordoni was born in Mezzana Corti (province of Pavia), on 19 July 1788 and graduated in Mathematics in Pavia 7 June 1807.


Casorate Primo, a comune (municipality) in the Province of Pavia in the Italian region of Lombardy, located about 20 km southwest of Milan and about 20 km northwest of Pavia.

Girolamo Masini

The same year he finished for the commune of Gropello Cairoli (province of Pavia) a standing figure of Donna Adelaide Bono Cairoli, mother of five patriot sons, memorialized by the comune as five columns round a fountain.

Irnerio Bertuzzi

Paris executive jet (I–SNAP) when it crashed in the countryside surrounding Bascapè in the province of Pavia, on 27 October 1962.


Sartirana Lomellina, a village and commune in the Italian province of Pavia


Torrevecchia Pia, a municipality in the Province of Pavia, Lombardy