
unusual facts about public humiliation

Elizabethan collar

The Elizabethan collar plays a role in the Pixar film Up, where it is used as a public humiliation device for a dog and is called the "Cone of Shame".

see also


Cangue, small device that was used for public humiliation

Dunce cap

In modern pedagogy dunce caps are extremely rare, as most current educational systems consider behavior modification via public humiliation to be both politically incorrect and potentially psychologically traumatizing for schoolchildren, instead advocating systems of "praise in public, punish in private."

George Mackenzie, 2nd Earl of Seaforth

Notwithstanding this public humiliation, after the death of Charles I, Seaforth, in a final act of tergiversation, went over to Holland in 1649, and joined Charles II, by whom he was made Principal Secretary of State for Scotland, the duties of which, however, he never had the opportunity of performing.

Karl Mayer

Andrew says that he will just make up stories or give her a "public humiliation" and Bree is horrified, Karl asks Bree for more tea and as Bree leaves for the kitchen, Karl grabs hold of Andrew and puts him against the wall and he says that he was a good friend to his father Rex Van de Kamp and said he knew if Rex was alive then he would force Andrew to behave.

Mouth of Sauron

The character matches the description of the False Prophet in the Book of Revelation, speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and is reminiscent of Saint Paul's comments in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians where he describes his public humiliation by the enemy.

Nezumi Kozō

This, combined with the public humiliation he dealt out to the daimyo, resulted in the popular legend that he gave the money to the poor, turning the petty crook into a posthumous folk hero similar to Robin Hood.