
unusual facts about public services

Citizen sourcing

Citizen sourcing is a new take on the concept of the coproduction of public services by service users and communities enabled by the maturation of Web 2.0 participatory technologies.

Japanese work environment

Those earning the highest wages are permanent workers in firms having more than thirty employees and those workers in finance, real estate, public service, petroleum, publishing, and emerging high-technology industries earned the highest wages.

Southern Kuzbass GRES

GRES is located close to the local coal deposits, largest metallurgical power-consuming industries, mining complexes and the public service of the southern Kuzbass.

see also

Alain Le Roy

He served as Deputy to the United Nations Special Coordinator for Sarajevo and Director of Operations for the restoration of essential public services, went on missions for the United Nations Development Programme in Mauritania and was appointed United Nations Regional Administrator in Kosovo (West Region).

Anthony Finkelstein

He is a grandson of Alfred Wiener, founder of the Wiener Library and a brother of the peer Daniel Finkelstein OBE, Executive Editor of The Times and of Tamara Finkelstein, Director of Public Services at HM Treasury.

Coral catshark

The coral catshark was first described by an anonymous author, usually referred to English zoologist Edward Turner Bennett, in the 1830 Memoir of the Life and Public Services of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles.

Demos Helsinki

Demos Helsinki started its operations in 2005 by conducting a research for Sitra, The Finnish Innovation Fund, on the future of public services and the changes in sources of wellbeing.

Domingo Alaba Obende

He obtained a Bachelor of Public Administration degree from the University of Benin, a Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Management and an MBA in Public Services from the University of East London in the United Kingdom.

Easter Drama

In giving directions for public services, the Ritual refers to this custom particularly as observed at Fleury-sur-Loire and Ghent.

Eclipse Center

Several redevelopment efforts failed, but with the involvement of Beloit billionaire Ken Hendricks beginning in 2004, a new plan to make it a mixed-use development with public services and other facilities has raised local hopes for the site.

Emily Rooney

She has an identical twin sister, Martha, who is Chief of the Public Services Division at the United States National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland.

Gibraltar National Day

:* Maurice Xiberras - for public services and services to politics.

Henry Pollock

Lady Oakley was a long-time resident in Hong Kong and was noted for her active participation in local public services, especially in the Street Sleepers' Society, St John's Cathedral Women's Guild and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Kenneth R. Mladenka

Mladenka contributed "The Political Machine, the Urban Bureaucracy, and the Distribution of Public Services" to Chicago Politics Papers, a joint effort of the University of Illinois and Northwestern University, to study the period between the two Chicago mayors named Daley.

Lima Airport Partners

In June 2008, the International Finance Corporation, member of the World Bank group and Fund for Investment in Infrastructure, Public Services and Natural Resources, administered by AC Capitales SAFI became partners of LAP.

Luis Moreno Ocampo

He named suspended Minister of Higher Education William Ruto, Minister for Industrialisation Henry Kosgey, Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, former Commissioner of the Kenya Police Major General Mohammed Hussein Ali, Head of Public Services Francis Muthaura, and journalist Joshua Arap Sang as leading perpetrators of the incidents.

Non-tax revenue

User fees collected in exchange for the use of many public services and facilities.

Ottawa City Hall

This section of City Hall contains the Council chamber (known as Andrew Haydon Hall), a large atrium and a number of offices and public services.

Pont des Invalides

In response to complaints from the defenders of the Invalides perspective, the Public Services decided to shift the bridge site upriver.

Reaseheath College

The college offers courses in Adventure Sports, Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering, Animal Management, Business and Events Management, Construction, Countryside, Equine, Floristry, Food, Horticulture, Motor Vehicle, Public Services and Sports Studies.


Since its creation, the airline has performed many public services on behalf of the Colombian people, having provided service during crises in the country's history, as was the case of the Huila and Cauca earthquake of June 6, 1994, when SATENA performed search and rescue operations, airlifted local residents, as well as transporting needed medicines, foods and aid in general to the site of the tragedy.


Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, an ombudsman responsible for looking at complaints made about public services

Vsya Rossiya

The directories contained detailed lists of government offices, public services and medium and large businesses present in major cities across Russia including Kiev, Minsk, .

Willy Brandt

The spirit of reformist optimism was cut short by the 1973 oil crisis and the major public services strike 1974, which gave Germany's trade unions, led by Heinz Kluncker, a big wage increase but reduced Brandt's financial leeway for further reforms.