
3 unusual facts about public switched telephone network


Amtelco was founded in 1976 by Bill Curtin in the wake of the 1968 U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruling in the Carterphone case, which struck down existing tariffs prohibiting connection to the public telephone network of equipment not supplied by telephone operating companies.

Public switched telephone network

The call is switched using a call set up protocol (usually ISUP) between the telephone exchanges under an overall routing strategy.

Telonium Communications

As of March 2011, the company provides voice service to hundreds of users in the Atlanta area alone, in addition to also providing Public switched telephone network access (via SIP trunks) to dozens more throughout the United States.

FCC registration program

In telecommunication, FCC registration program is the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program and associated directives intended to assure that all connected terminal equipment and protective circuitry will not harm the public switched telephone network or certain private line services.

Government Emergency Telecommunications Service

Additionally, congestion in the public switched telephone network, such as the well-documented “Mother’s Day phenomenon”, in which Mother’s Day generally has the highest blocking of long-distance telephone calls of any single day of the year, can prevent access to circuits.


TBR21 is a European telecommunications standard published by ETSI, and is the standard to which all telephone equipment must adhere to, to be allowed connection to Europe's public switched telephone network.

see also