
unusual facts about quart

Fornells de la Selva

The northern boundary is with the municipality of Girona; the southern is with Riudellots de la Selva and Campllong; the east with Quart and Llambilles; and the west with Vilablareix and Aiguaviva.

Hipster sexism

It has been differentiated from “classic sexism” which Quart describes as being “un-ironic, explicit, violent, banal” and which one could likened to the comments regarding legitimate rape made by Missouri Republican Senatorial candidate Todd Akin or "rape rape" by comedian Whoopi Goldberg.

Preterm birth

Historical figures who were born prematurely include Johannes Kepler (born in 1571 at 7 months gestation), Isaac Newton (born in 1642, small enough to fit into a quart mug, according to his mother), Winston Churchill (born in 1874 at 7 months gestation), and Anna Pavlova (born in 1885 at 7 months gestation).

Quart de Poblet

They are made in commemoration of the battle the Cid fought against the troops Almoravids under the leadership of Muhammad, nephew of the emir of northern Africa Tashfin ibn Yusuf, on the Plain of Quart that led to the release of Valencia from Muslim threats of that time for a brief period, in addition to being the first defeat of the Almoravid army in the peninsula from Christian hands.


On the Good Eats episode "Ear Apparent", when making creamed corn, chef Alton Brown remarks "back before the days when I started seriously eyeing the Sansabelt pants rack, I used to put lots of cream in here. Sometimes a quart for one batch."

The Fool's Progress

After killing his noisy refrigerator with a .357 Magnum, Lightcap puts on Mahler’s Resurrection Symphony at ear-splitting volume, drinks off a half-quart of Wild Turkey, and miserably dreams of past loves and his lost Appalachian home.

The Low Frequency in Stereo

The band is known both in Norway and internationally and have played renowned festivals like Quart, Dour and South By Southwest

Valerio Olgiati

VALERIO OLGIATI, edited by Laurent Stalder, Texts by Mario Carpo, Bruno Reichlin and Laurent Stalder, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln 2008 (1st Edition) / Quart Verlag, Luzern 2010 (2nd edition); German: ISBN 978-3-03761-031-2, English: ISBN 978-3-03761-030-5, 192 pages

William Samuel Symonds

In 1858 he edited an edition of Hugh Miller's Cruise of the "Betsey." He was the author of numerous essays on the geology of the Malvern country, notably of a paper "On the passage-beds from the Upper Silurian rocks into the Lower Old Red Sandstone at Ledbury" (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 1860).

see also