
unusual facts about questionnaire

African Peer Review Mechanism

Before the questionnaire was adopted and after the initial plans for the APRM were laid down by South Africa and others, some press reports stated that, after pressure from other African countries like Nigeria and Libya, Thabo Mbeki changed his mind and did not want political governance to be included within the APRM reviews.


Addiction Research Center Inventory, a standardized questionnaire for assessing subjective effects of psychoactive drugs


Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale, a self-reported questionnaire used to assist in the diagnosis of adult ADHD

Belgrave Trust

; Ease Through Simplicity : An extreme concern with a very simple and fast method for calculating and individual's carbon footprint, contrasted with the sequential questionnaire approach, and transactional (rather than subscription) model used by first generation retail voluntary offset services such as TerraPass and Native Energy.


Computer-assisted personal interviewing, a surveying technique that uses a computer based questionnaire

Elizabeth Fennema

In 1962 Kathryn Clarenbach (a founder of NOW) sent out a questionnaire inquiring of unemployed or underemployed wives of university professors who were interested in a career.

Eugen Dieth

More importantly, however, he initiated the work for the Survey of English Dialects and compiled—together with Harold Orton -- the Questionnaire for a Linguistic Atlas of England.

Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley v. Roommates.com, LLC

is a case in which the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, sitting en banc, held that immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) did not apply to an interactive online operator whose questionnaire violated the Fair Housing Act.

Internet addiction disorder

The authors of the article conducted a study utilising Kimberly Young's questionnaire.

Irving Peress

When he filled out a subsequent, more detailed questionnaire, Peress invoked the Fifth Amendment in response to queries about membership in the Communist party or affiliated organizations.


Participants are interviewed online and offline using a standard questionnaire which is based on that used by the Census.

Laurie Helgoe

The identified flaw was a dated reliance on the early work of Isabel Briggs Myers, and the failure to note the latest comprehensive results of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a questionnaire used by psychologists to classify human personality traits.

Madani Inamaat

Madni Inamaat or Madani Inamaat is a questionnaire composed by Shaykh Sheikh Maulana Ilyas Attar Qadri, the head of Dawate Islami, intended to assist Muslims with self-analysis and personal accountability, assessing observance of fard (obligatory), wajib (compulsory), Sunnah (Prophetic ways) and mustahibbāt (recommended) matters.

Mary Main

Mary Main is also co-author of the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) which uses questionnaire and interview to assess attachment status of adults.


METAFOR has created tools for practical use of the CIM, e.g., the CMIP5 questionnaire for input and creation of CIM documents.

Nancy D. Freudenthal

According to the questionnaire that Freudenthal submitted to the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, after the election of Barack Obama, Freudenthal's husband, Wyoming Gov. Dave Freudenthal, asked her if she would be interested in serving as a federal district judge for Wyoming.

Partners for Change Outcome Management System

The approach was inspired by Michael J. Lambert’s research regarding the use of consumer feedback during the therapeutic process with the Outcome Questionnaire 45.2 (OQ) and is designed to be a briefer method to measure therapeutic outcome.


Regulatory Focus Questionnaire, a questionnaire designed to measure prevention focus and promotion focus.

Richard Mark Gergel

In his questionnaire to the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Gergel wrote that South Carolina Democratic Congressmen John M. Spratt, Jr. and Jim Clyburn both previously had recommended Gergel to Obama as a district court nominee, and that South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham also supported the nomination.


On the basis of a standardised questionnaire of 30–70 questions about values, attitudes and political issues smartvote develops a political profile of interested voters.

Social desirability bias

In 1991, Delroy L. Paulhus published the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding: a questionnaire designed to measure two forms of SDR.

Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire

The Strengths and Difficulty Questionnaire is a brief behavioral screening questionnaire for children and adolescents ages 4 through 16 years old, developed by the UK child psychiatrist Robert N Goodman.

Virtual pharmacy

The consumer basically finds their favorite virtual pharmacy through search engines like Google or Yahoo, explains their symptoms, look at the recommended drugs and fills out an online questionnaire that is forwarded to doctor for approval.

see also