Jean Chrétien, then president of the G8, sent a letter to Mbeki demanding clarifications and expressing his concern that these AU organs are ‘politicized’ and will therefore not produce credible reviews.
The 37th Summit of the Organisation of African Unity held in July 2001 in Lusaka, Zambia, adopted a document setting out a new vision for the revival and development of Africa—which was to become known as the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD).
Before the questionnaire was adopted and after the initial plans for the APRM were laid down by South Africa and others, some press reports stated that, after pressure from other African countries like Nigeria and Libya, Thabo Mbeki changed his mind and did not want political governance to be included within the APRM reviews.
According to the reports, Mbeki believed that review of political governance was something for the African Union.
African American | African | Peer review | African National Congress | African Development Bank | Peer Gynt | Central African Republic | Organisation of African Unity | Partisan Review | South African Air Force | peer | Electoral and Administrative Review Commission | African Union | National Review | Economic Community of West African States | South African Republic | North African Campaign | West African Development Bank | The New York Times Book Review | peer-to-peer | North American Review | Monthly Review | The Paris Review | peer review | North West (South African province) | judicial review | Free State (South African province) | African trypanosomiasis | King's African Rifles | Harvard Law Review |