
unusual facts about radical group


Les Enragés (literally "the Enraged Ones") were a loose amalgam of radicals active during the French Revolution.

see also

Anna Strunsky

Anna and her sister Rose became leading members of the turn of the 20th century San Francisco intellectual scene, part of a radical group of young Californian writers and artists known as "The Crowd" that included Jack London, Jim Whitaker, George Sterling, and others.

Ieng Thirith

Together the two sisters and their husbands later became known as 'Cambodia's Gang of Four', a reference to the radical group led by Jiang Qing the widow of Mao Tse-tung.

Lars Gule

When Gule began at the University of Bergen, he came in contact with a small but radical group that worked on the development of Karl Marx's theory of communism as a mode of production.

Michael Gottlieb Birckner

The American historian H. Arnold Barton has characterised Birckner, alongside with Niels Ditlev Riegels, as being one of "the most original thinkers" of the radical group of authors in Denmark in this period.

Mitchell v. Forsyth

In 1970, John N. Mitchell, Attorney General, authorized a warrantless wiretap for the purpose of gathering intelligence regarding the activities of a radical group that had made tentative plans to take actions threatening the Nation's security.

Thomas Fenby

Led by Walter Runciman this group of 'conservative' Asquithians formed the 'Radical Group' in December 1924.