
unusual facts about radioactive

1982, Janine

Peter Levi on the BBC called the book "Radioactive hogwash", while Joe Ambrose of the Irish Sunday Tribune (who has expressed virulently critical views on many of Gray's books) called the author "a vainglorious lout" and "a profoundly reactionary penman".


Pierre and Marie Curie installed at Arcueil an annex of the Institut du Radium for the chemical treatment of radioactive elements.


He describes this as his ‘radioactive-spider-biting-Peter Parker’ moment.


A specialized version of the munitions bunker called a Gravel Gertie is designed to contain radioactive debris from an explosive accident while assembling or disassembling nuclear warheads.


In 2009, a Chinese cement company (in Tongchuan, Shaanxi Province) was demolishing an old, unused cement plant and did not follow standards for handling radioactive materials.


According to Fonti a manager of Enea paid the clan to get rid of 600 drums of toxic and radioactive waste from Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, and the US, with Somalia as the destination, where the waste was buried after buying off local politicians.

Chernobyl New Safe Confinement

Internally, each arch will be covered in polycarbonate (Lexan) to prevent the accumulation of radioactive particles on the frame members themselves.

Chernobyl Shelter Fund

The main objective of the SIP, developed in a co-operative effort between the European Union, the United States and Ukraine, is to protect the personnel, population and environment from the threat of the huge radioactive inventory of the Chernobyl Unit 4 Shelter.


: For the radioactive mineral, see Cleveite.

Commerce Township, Michigan

The event became a short-lived media sensation, and a book by Ken Silverstein called The Radioactive Boy Scout was written about the incident and published in 2004.

Eve Andree Laramee

This work zeroes-in on sites where Uranium mining/milling, plutonium production for nuclear weaponss and the nuclear energy industry have contaminated surface water, well water and deep aquifer water with radioactive isotopes and her work archives this atomic legacy.


Features, events, and processes, which are terms used in the field of radioactive waste management to define relevant scenarios for safety assessment studies.

Flute beatboxing

Most beatbox historians credit RadioActive as the original flute-beatboxer (using a pan flute, and performing with the Spearhead around the world), and Tim Barsky with being the original innovator in the field of flute beatboxing on a classical Boehm system flute.

Gas chromatography ion detector

Helium ionization detector (HID) -- uses a radioactive source to produce helium ions, which in turn ionize the components

Gundremmingen Nuclear Power Plant

The contaminated steel parts were contained in protective castings and removed to the interim radioactive storage location in Mitterteich.


Surgery (thyroidectomy to remove the whole thyroid or a part of it) is not extensively used because most common forms of hyperthyroidism are quite effectively treated by the radioactive iodine method, and because there is a risk of also removing the parathyroid glands, and of cutting the recurrent laryngeal nerve, making swallowing difficult, and even simply generalized staphylococcal infection as with any major surgery.


Johannite is a strong radioactive mineral with a calculated activity of 87,501,143 Bq/g (to the comparison: natural potassium: 31.2 Bq/g).

John Herbert Thomas Simpson

This data would be used by UKWMO, in conjunction with weather information from the Meteorological Office, to produce a forecast of radioactive  fallout.

K-65 residues

K-65 residues are the very radioactive mill residues resulting from a uniquely concentrated uranium ore discovered before WW II in Katanga province (Shinkolobwe) of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly called the Belgian Congo).

Karl-Ludwig Kratz

radioactive ones (thorium and uranium) the age of these stars can be determined to about 13 billion years (see Sneden's Star, Cayrel's Star, Kratz's Star, Frebel's Star (HE 1523-0901)).

Kelly Sweet

Remixes for Sweet's song We Are One were done by Dave Audé, Radioactive Sandwich, Matt Piso, and Electronathon.

Mercury in the fiction of Leigh Brackett

Mercury possesses an abundance of rare and heavy metals that are rare on Earth and unknown in other parts of the Solar System, including: copper; Yttrium, used for armaments (The Demons of Darkside); pitchblende, from which Radium and Uranium can be extracted (A World is Born); and the rare radioactive crystal known as the sun-stone (Shannach – the Last).

Milk River Bath

The waters are 9 times as radioactive as those at Bath, England, and three times those at Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic.

Morsleben radioactive waste repository

The first partial authorization for retrievable storage of 500 cubic meters of radioactive waste from the crowded central storage depot in Lohmen near Dresden, East Germany was granted in 1971/72.

Nuclear flask

The crashworthiness of the flask was demonstrated publicly when a British Rail Class 46 locomotive was forcibly driven into a derailed flask (containing water and steel rods in place of radioactive material) at 100 miles per hour, the flask sustaining minimal superficial damage without compromising its integrity, while both the flatbed wagon carrying it and the locomotive were more-or-less destroyed.

Operation Roller Coaster

Contaminated soil was transported to the Area 3 Radioactive Waste Management Site in the Nevada National Security Site and the sites were re-vegetated.


In a p-process protons are added to stable or weakly radioactive atomic nuclei.

Radioactive quackery

Many brands of toothpaste were laced with radioactive substances that were claimed to make teeth shine whiter, such as Doramad Radioactive Toothpaste.


Radioactive water baths have been applied since 1906 in Jáchymov, Czech Republic, but even before radon discovery they were used in Bad Gastein, Austria.

Rotters Golf Club

The label was mainly 12" single-orientated, with most releases actually by Two Lone Swordsmen (Andrew Weatherall and Keith Tenniswood aka Radioactive Man) under various guises, with Remote, Craig Walsh and Decal being the only other contributors.

Ruth Fowler Edwards

Fowler was the daughter of physicist Sir Ralph Fowler, FRS (1889–1944) and Eileen Mary Rutherford, herself the only daughter of the celebrated physicist Lord Ernest Rutherford, FRS (1871–1937, the 1908 Nobel laureate in Chemistry "for his investigations into the disintegration of elements, and the chemistry of radioactive substances").

Scottish Environment Protection Agency

As SEPA has a responsibility for protecting Scotland's environment and human health, it also has responsibility for regulating the storage, and use of, radioactive substances and the accumulation and disposal of radioactive wastes in Scotland, including functions under the Radioactive Substances Act 1993.

Selective internal radiation therapy

The treatment involves injecting tiny microspheres of radioactive material into the arteries that supply the tumor.

Simon Shnoll

The first scientific papers were devoted to ATPases and the use of radioactive isotopes in experimental and clinical studies.

Sneden's Star

Comparing the observed abundances for a stable element such as Europium (Z=63) and the radioactive element Thorium (Z=90) to calculated abundances of an r-process in a type II supernova explosion (as from the universities at Mainz and Basel groups of Karl-Ludwig Kratz and Friedrich-Karl Thielemann) allowed observers to determine the age of this star to about 13 billion years.

Solution Unsatisfactory

Manning hears of fish dying in Chesapeake Bay where the by-products of Dr. Estelle Karst's research into artificial radioactive materials are being dumped.

Teufen, Appenzell Ausserrhoden

Until 2008 they provided luminous Tritium compounds for the Swiss watch industry, but they have replaced radioactive Tritium with non-radioactive Super-LumiNova.

The Dead Man

The story is told from the point of view of Yassa Povey, a young boy living in the Cursed Earth, a radioactive desert in post-nuclear war America where the whole story takes place.

The Year of the Quiet Sun

The parallels were made explicit through Biblical motifs that appear throughout the novel, with characters paralleling types out of the Dead Sea scrolls and such apocalyptic imagery as a radioactive Lake Michigan substituting for the lake of fire in the Book of Revelation.

Thine Own Self

Goiânia accident, an incident of radioactive contamination in central Brazil, a real life accident with some similarities.

Tone River

As a result of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster radioactive cesium concentrations of 110 becquerels per kilogram were found in silver crucian carp fish caught in the Tone River in April 2012.

Valentina Vostok

Valentina became romantically involved with teammate Joshua Clay, aka Tempest, but broke off the relationship due to the nature of her powers changing to match that of her predecessor: her body became permanently radioactive, requiring her to constantly wear radiation-blocking bandages over all of her body, and the radio-energy being would emerge from her under her mental command.

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant

In October 2009, Arnold Gundersen, a member of a special oversight panel convened by the Vermont General Assembly, confirmed that radioactive contamination had been detected in underground pipes.


In a small South African nation of Kwarrai, Shara was exposed to radioactive Vibranium in her father's lab.

Due to being exposed to radioactive Vibranium she developed the ability to release Vibranium-powered blasts from her hands, these vibrations were strong enough to rip apart concrete.

Vsevolod Klechkovsky

Following the 1957 Kyshtym disaster, Klechkovsky led the research projects studying the long-term effects of radioactive contamination at the site.

Walter Wolfgang

He organised a protest on 1 November 1961 in which he delivered a milk bottle labelled "Danger — Radioactive" to the Soviet Union embassy in London in protest at the detonation of Tsar Bomba, at 50 megatons the largest nuclear explosive to ever be tested.

Yassa Povey

He lived in a small settlement called Bubbletown in the radioactive Cursed Earth desert many miles west of Mega-City One.

see also