
6 unusual facts about ration


The brown butcher paper accessory pack contained sugar tablets, halazone water purification tablets (for a brief period in 1945), a flat wooden spoon, a piece of candy-coated chewing gum, 3 "short" sample 3-packs or one "long" sample 9-pack of commercial-grade cigarettes and a book of 20 cardboard moisture-resistant matches, a paper-wrapped P-38 can opener printed with instructions for its proper use, and several sheets of toilet paper.

One sundries can containing the accessory packet: (Gum, toilet paper, a P-38 can opener, granulated salt, and a flat wooden spoon) and the cigarette packet: (one 9-pack of cigarettes and a book of matches).

Hurricane Francelia

The United States ultimately provided $281,659 in aid to the country, mostly through the road reconstruction and C-rations.

Juicy Fruit

Juicy Fruit was taken off of the civilian market temporarily during World War II because of ingredient shortages and the demand for the gum to be included in C-rations.

Smoking in the United States military

With the scientific data about the health risks of smoking and information about the effect of smoking on troop readiness, in 1975, the United States Department of Defense discontinued the inclusion of cigarettes in K-rations and C-rations.

Viet Cong and Vietnam People's Army logistics and equipment

The VC/NVA used a wide variety of grenades from explosives inserted into discarded American C-ration cans to modern Chicom types.

2005–06 Fijian political crisis

Spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Orisi Rabukawaqa said that the government had failed to grant soldiers' ration allowances or job evaluation exercises, despite the budget allocation, and raising the matter with the Prime Minister had proved futile.

Black Tot Day

This led to a debate in the House of Commons on the evening of January 28, 1970, now referred to as the 'Great Rum Debate', started by James Wellbeloved, MP for Erith and Crayford, who believed that the ration should not be removed.

First Strike Ration

The First Strike Ration (FSR) is a compact, eat-on-the move ration concept from the United States Army, designed to be consumed during the first 72 hours of conflict, created by the United States Army Soldier Systems Center in Natick, Massachusetts.

Meal, Combat, Individual ration

Typical commercial brands issued in the cigarette ration were: Camel, Chesterfield, Kent, Kool, Lucky Strike, Marlboro, Pall Mall, Salem, or Winston.

Mill Barrack

2nd building is Ration Store and 3rd building contains Ammunition storage.

Project Gaia

Project Gaia is currently active in Awbarre refugee camp (formerly known as Teferi Ber) and Kebribeyah refugee camp, where all of the camp’s approximately 1780 families have CleanCook stoves and a daily ration of ethanol, funded cooperatively by the UNHCR and the Gaia Association.

Spectrum commons theory

In the 1950s, economist Ronald Coase pointed out that the radio spectrum was no scarcer than wood or wheat, yet government did not routinely ration those items.

United States military ration

From the Revolutionary War to the Spanish-American War, the United States army ration, as decreed by the Continental Congress, was the garrison ration which consisted of meat or salt fish, bread or hardtack, and vegetables.

Wartime Nutrition

One of the Allied propaganda films of World War II it urged civilians on the United States home front to eat healthier and follow the wartime ration guidelines.

see also