
unusual facts about regnal year

Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt

Warfare continued intermittently between the Thebean and Heracleapolitan dynasts until the fourteenth regnal year of Nebhetepra Mentuhotep II, when the Herakleopolitans were defeated, and this dynasty could begin to consolidate their rule.

see also

Canopus, Egypt

In Ptolemy III Euergetes' ninth regnal year (239 BC), a great assembly of priests at Canopus passed an honorific decree (the "Decree of Canopus") that, inter alia, conferred various new titles on the king and his consort, Berenice.


Kamose sailed north from Thebes at the head of his army in his third regnal year.


She was buried in the 5th regnal year of Siamun in coffins that were originally made for Pinedjem's sister and first wife Isetemkheb.


She was born in the 9th regnal year of Ptolemy XII Auletes, her father was apja Khahapi, a priest of Ptah, Min, Khnum-Ra and Horus, her mother was Herankh, a musician of the Ptah temple.