
unusual facts about reliefs

Musée des Plans-Reliefs

The construction of models dates to 1668 when François-Michel le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois and minister of war to Louis XIV, began a collection of three-dimensional models of fortified cities for military purposes, known as 'plans-relief'.

44th New York Monument

The memorial is crowned with a maltese cross and has numerous interior and exterior bronze tablets which include 2 bas-reliefs of Generals Daniel Butterfield and Francis Barlow.

Adolf von Donndorf

Donndorf contributed several statues including standing figures of Reuchlin and Frederick the Wise, seated figures of Savonarola, Peter Waldo and the allegorical city of Magdeburg as well as reliefs.

Arch of Constantine

Together with three panels now in the Capitoline Museum, the reliefs were probably taken from a triumphal monument commemorating Marcus Aurelius' war against the Marcomanni and the Sarmatians from 169 – 175, which ended with his triumphant return in 176.

Attacking Cavalryman Statue

Each of the pedestal's four sides had bronze bas-reliefs with images from the battles fought by the 2nd cavalry division at Prunaru, Măgheruș, the Dniester and Tisza-Budapest.

Balthasar Ferdinand Moll

The reliefs on the sides of the sarcophagus depict important scenes of their lives : the ceremonial entrance in Florence as archduke of Tuscany, his coronation in Frankfurt am Main, his coronation in Prague as King of Bohemia, and the coronation ceremony in Bratislava of Maria Theresia.

Battle of Kadesh

Although there is more evidence in the form of texts and wall reliefs for this battle than for any other battle in the Ancient Near East, almost all of it is from an Egyptian perspective, and indeed the first scholarly report on the battle, by James Henry Breasted in 1903, took the Egyptian evidence literally and assumed a great Egyptian victory.

Bohemian Palatinate

The center of this area was in Sulzbach-Rosenberg and Charles intensively supported the area through tax reliefs for craftsmen and traders, as well as other privileges for settlements and markets.

Bow draw

These variants were also used in the Americas, appear on the reliefs of Sennacherib and have been described from Thailand and the Andaman Islands.

Cappella Colleoni

It is decorated with reliefs of Episodes from the Life of Christ, statues, heads of lions and an equestrian statue of the condottiere in gilded wood, finished by German masters from Nuremberg in 1501.

Craig Kauffman

Through his integration of sprayed color and shape, Kauffman achieved the visual presence of his vacuum formed acrylic wall reliefs.

Cristoforo Foppa

He is said by some to have been responsible for the terracotta reliefs in the sacristy of San Satiro in Milan.

Donal Hord

The years following the end of the Second World War found Hord at the height of his artistic prowess, producing not only many fine smaller works, but also, with the aid of Homer Dana, several large architectural works, notably two large concrete bas-reliefs for the San Diego Public Library's Central Library.

Eleanor Mannikka

In her best-known work, Angkor Wat: Time, Space and Kingship, she argues that the dimensions, alignment and bas-reliefs of Angkor Wat encode a message that Suryavarman II was the divinely appointed king.

Emil Krieger

His most notable works are the group of four mourners at Langemark German war cemetery, the fountains at the Innenministerium in Munich, the Memorial in Treuchtlingen, the busts of Richard Wagner and of Karl von Fischer in the Bayerisches Nationaltheater, and two large reliefs for the Gedächtniskirche in Kaiserslautern.

Eshkaft-e Salman

Eshkaft-e Salman, or Shikaft-i Salman, is a cave with four reliefs inside and outside the cave on the south of the Izeh, near the city in Khuzestan, southwest Iran.

Farm to Market Road 466

A handsome 100-year-old marker with bronze and stone sculptured reliefs by the renowned Italian-born San Antonio artist Pompeo Coppini marks the spot.

Ferdinand Faivre

These included decorative groups for the Zurich Bank, for the Cairo Museum, the facade of the Royal Automobile Club in London and many buildings in Paris; among the latter was a figure of Abundance for the Ritz and the 1906 bas reliefs of the seasons for Madame Hériot's town-house.

Forum of Nerva

The frieze in the entablature depicted the myth of Arachne and other reliefs depicting representations of the personifications of Roman provinces.

Gabriel Guerra

Significant monumental sculptures by Guerra include Torture of Cuauhtémoc (1886), which was one of a group of bronze reliefs by various artists cast for the monument to Cuauhtémoc, and General Carlos Pacheco on commission for the state of Morelos.

Georg Knorr

Only after Knorr's death, from 1913 to 1916, the facades of the factory buildings received their uniform design after plans by Alfred Grenander, by means of altering windows, applying brick dressings and by addition of arcades and sandstone reliefs to the parapets, pillars and dormers.

Gerhard Koeppel

"Die historischen Reliefs der römischen Kaiserzeit VII: Der Bogen des Septimius Severus, die Decennalienbasis und der Konstantinsbogen," Bonner Jahrbücher 190:1-64.

Giovanni Antonio Stuardi

He completed many of the funereal monuments in the cemeteries of Turin and other Piedmont towns, including bas-reliefs and portraits, among them, the stucco bust of Lupercus, exhibited at Turin, in 1884; and the statue: Savoia, exhibited in Livorno, in 1886, and in Venice, in 1887, where he exhibited: Flower of the countryside.

Glockenspiel House

The reliefs of famous seafarers and airmen include Christopher Columbus, Count Zeppelin and Charles Lindbergh.

Grade II* listed buildings in Liverpool – City Centre

The building is noted for its decorative details including the bronze entrance doors, which feature reliefs by Stirling Lee and depict various pairs of famous friends (e.g. Achilles and Patroclus, Castor and Pollux)


The most notable features are a series of plaster bas-reliefs designed by John Gibson and Thorwaldsen, an international sculptor from Conway who trained in Rome.

Half Moon Bay Art and Pumpkin Festival

• Giant pumpkin carving is provided by Farmer Mike, a professional pumpkin carver that turns giant pumpkins (up to a thousand pounds) into faces and reliefs.

Horti Tauriani

From this area come numerous attributable sculptures from the Gardens's different phases : statues of deities, decorative reliefs, two large marble craters and three splendid portraits of Hadrian, Vibia Sabina and Salonina Matidia.

Joseph Bonomi the Younger

The expedition then moved on to Kalabsha, where Bonomi laboured to produce several plaster casts of the reliefs, to Philae and then to Thebes.

Luigi Acquisti

Among them are reliefs of Arco della Pace in Milan; the statue of the Vecchia Legge for the facade of Milan Cathedral; Mars and Venus for the Villa Carlotta in Tremezzo on Lake Como; statues in Palazzo Braschi in Rome; and an Atlanta (c. 1806) for the Villa Belgiojoso Bonaparte in Milan.

Miguel Verdiguier

In 1780, working with his son, he made the reliefs of the facade of the chapel of S. Cecilio for the Granada Cathedral in 1780.


He is depicted in the "Punt Reliefs" in the temple of Deir el-Bahri where he is described as having been responsible for dispatching Hatshepsut's expedition to Punt.

Nicolas-Sébastien Adam

A series of narrative reliefs on Apollo: Apollo et Daphne, Latona and the Farmers, Apollo and the Sibyl, Apollo and Coronis (c. 1753), bas-reliefs for the Hôtel de la Bouëxière in Paris, Château de Bagatelle et Musée Carnavalet


In 1956 bronze reliefs by Perincioli were inspired by medieval role models in front of San Zeno in Verona and the Cathedral of Hildesheim.

Palo Macho

Palo Macho (born 22 September 1965, Streženice) is a Slovak painter specializing in the work with glass - creating glass panes, glass graphics, glass reliefs and other glass objects.

Peter Fuchs

In 1855 Peter Fuchs returned to Cologne, where he created such large sandstone reliefs and statue groups as the Four Prophets (1858) for the Mariensäule in the Gereonsdriesch and the life-size figures of SS Dionysius and Reinold (1866–1871) for the west front of St. Mauritius.

Princes Risborough

The Stations of the Cross are timber reliefs (1990/1) by Stephen Foster, which Pevsner & Williamson considered of high quality.


The revival of low relief, which was seen as a classical style, begins early in the Renaissance; the Tempio Malatestiano in Rimini, a pioneering classicist building, designed by Leon Battista Alberti around 1450, uses low reliefs by Agostino di Duccio inside and on the external walls.

Robert N.C. Nix, Sr. Federal Building

It was designed by Harry Sternfield in the Moderne style and features several sculptures and reliefs by Donald De Lue and Edmond Amateis.

Saint-Génis-des-Fontaines Abbey

The main portal has an architrave with bas-reliefs commissioned by abbot Guillaume and realized in 1019-1020 in white marble from Céret.

Santa María del Naranco

The rich decoration is concentrated in the hall and miradors of the upper floor, where it is especially worth noting the cubic-prismatic capitals (of Byzantine influence), decorated with reliefs framed by cord decoration (from local tradition) in trapezoid and triangular shapes, inside which there are sculpted forms of animals and humans.

Santa Maria in Porto Altarpiece

The base is decorated by tiles (with the Massacre of the Innocents, Adoration of the Magi and the Presentation in the Temple) which simulated antique bas-reliefs and were inspired by the altar of the basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua by Donatello.

São João National Theatre

On the main façade, of sober design, there are four reliefs representing four feelings: Kindness, Pain, Hatred and Love, created by Diogo de Macedo and Sousa Caldas.

Sophia Collier

After the sale, Collier became an artist and established a studio and gallery in Sausalito, CA making sculptural reliefs of water surfaces with properties analogous to the intentions of the Light and Space Movement.

Teacher-Student Centre, University of Dhaka

The students activities also included donating reliefs, for example during the devastating flood of 1987 and also the recent Sidr in 2007.

Torre dels Escipions

In the intermediate body are two reliefs of the god of Phrygian Attis deity of death and resurrection, son of Pessinunte and also on the same level there is a burial chamber that housed the furnishings of the deceased; at the base measures 4.40 x 4.70 m.

Its name comes from a misidentification of the two reliefs of the god Attis, who for years were identified as those of Scipio brothers.

Valliscaulian Order

The tomb of the Dukes of Burgundy, now removed to Dijon, was originally erected at Val-des-Choux; in bas-reliefs of a blind arcading of its base are the only representations of the monks of Val-de-Choux.

Zbruch Idol

The pillar is commonly associated with the Slavic deity Svetovid, although opinions on the exact meaning of all the bas-reliefs and their symbols differ.

see also