
unusual facts about responsa

Abraham ben Isaac of Narbonne

Other responsa sent to Joseph ben Ḥen (Graziano) of Barcelona and Meshullam ben Jacob of Lunel are found in a manuscript belonging to Baron de Günzburg in Saint Petersburg.

Elisha Gallico

Chaim Benveniste quotes Gallico's responsa in his Keneset ha-Gedolah.

History of responsa in Judaism

Responsa have been inspired or necessitated by economic growth, social movements, and advances in technology, which wrought sweeping changes in the lives and living conditions of the Jews in different countries, as well as within Judaic streams; e.g., those of Reform Judaism and Zionism.

Israel Moses Hazan

Other responsa, with homilies and a defence of the Kabbalah, remain in manuscript.

Joseph Colon Trabotto

Fuchs, Historical Material in the Responsa of Rabbi Israel Bruna, PhD Thesis, Yeshiva University, 1974.

Louis Ginzberg

One of his responsa concerns the use of wine in the Jewish community during the Prohibition era.

Mattithiah Ahrweiler

Mattithiah officiated as rabbi at Bingen (Jacob Popper, "Responsa," ii., No. 8, Frankfort, 1742), and subsequently at Mannheim, where he taught in the college (see Klaus) founded by Lemle Moses.

Yitzhak Yosef

In 1971, when he was 18 and studying at Yeshivat HaNegev, he collected halakhic rulings from the five volumes of Yavia Omer, the book of his father's responsa, that had been published by then, and published them in the book Yalkut Yosef.

Yom HaShoah

A responsa was written by Rabbi David Golinkin expressing the view that not only is it legitimate for the modern Jewish community to write a new scroll of mourning, it was also incumbent to do so.

see also