To this end, they steal Ace's record holding car to reverse-engineer it, the found out that Ace's name is Stacy Lynn but are caught in the act of returning it, barely managing to escape.
The activity of retrodiction (or postdiction) involves moving backwards in time, step-by-step, in as many stages as are considered necessary, from the present into the speculated past, in order to establish the ultimate cause of a specific event (e.g., Reverse engineering and Forensics).
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A group of gamers reverse engineered the network protocol used by and Blizzard games, and released a free (under the GNU GPL) emulation package called bnetd.
In October 1999, Jon Lech Johansen and two people who have remained anonymous reverse engineered CSS and created DeCSS to share the exploit with others, in a striking example of the trusted client problem.
He frequently utilizes improvised weapons and explosive devices; in "Croatoan", he demonstrated knowledge of chemistry, constructing Molotov cocktails and improvised explosive devices, and in "Phantom Traveler", he revealed knowledge of electronics and reverse engineering, having built an electromagnetic field detector from an old Walkman radio.
Festi is created with use of object-oriented technology of software development that strongly complicates researches by a method of the reverse engineering and does a bot easily ported for other operating systems.
GrammaTech and the University of Wisconsin have been collaborating since 2001 to develop analysis, reverse-engineering, and anti-tamper tools for binary executables.
The second unit was supposed to be built and delivered by USSR (pennant number K-208), but due to Sino-Soviet split, most on board equipment was not delivered, and the boat was used as sample for reverse engineering to complete the first unit, which entered Chinese service in August 1966.
If we can find 40 linearly independent sets of vectors () keys ... ()keys, say, through reverse-engineering hardware, then we can completely break the system.
Software visualization notations are notations which offer a graphical representation of the program, normally generated by reverse-engineering the source code of the program.
There is also a tool for reverse-engineering table structures and class structures to Visio.
In 1877, only a year after Graham Bell's invention, Kubusho had started an effort to make telephone receivers by reverse engineering and Oki was in the team that came up with the first prototype.
In 1877, only a year after Graham Bell's invention, Kōbushō had started an effort to make telephone receivers by reverse engineering and Oki was in the team that came up with the first prototype.
The development of Rose 2.0 combined a Windows-based Booch notation editor called Object System Designer (acquired from Wisconsin-based Palladio) with a new intermediate representation, and with new semantic analysis, code generation, and reverse engineering capabilities.
In regards to reverse engineering the brain, neuroscientist David J. Linden writes that, "Kurzweil is conflating biological data collection with biological insight".
UModel includes code engineering functionality including code generation in Java (programming language), C#, and Visual Basic, reverse engineering of existing applications, and round-trip engineering.