An example occurrence of this species is within the Hamilton Ecological District on North Island within a forest dominated by Nothofagus and rimu, where understory associates include Blechnum discolor and Doodia media.
An example occurrence of this species is within the Hamilton Ecological District on North Island within a forest dominated by nothofagus and rimu, where understory associates include Blechnum discolor and Doodia media.
A rich Northern rātā/Rimu/Broadleaf forest is present, although the entire park ecosystem displays distinct patterns of vegetative zonation - the former two large species of tree are common at lower elevations whereas Kamahi tends to dominate the stunted high altitude forest.
The principal timber milled was white, red, and black pine, totara, rimu, and birch.
Prior to European settlement of New Zealand, the shallow river was thickly lined with matai, rimu, and totara trees that prevented serious flooding to the swampy lands alongside the river.