How do couples today celebrate their union, is Marriage still religious, a Rite of passage, expression of love and commitment or an excuse for a party?
The Rite of Spring | Roman Rite | Northwest Passage | Scottish Rite | Rite Aid | York Rite | Passage West | Stride Rite Corporation | The Passage | Scottish rite | rite of passage | Ranking of liturgical days in the Roman Rite | Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry | Dark Passage (film) | Saratoga Passage | rite | Passage to Juneau: A Sea and Its Meanings | New Passage | Mugla Passage | Inside Passage | Dominican Rite | Dark Passage | ''Dark Passage'' | A Passage To India | Westward Passage | Western Rite Orthodoxy | Western Rite | The Young Rite | The Segura River, at its passage by Murcia city. In the background Murcia's oldest bridge (Puente de los Peligros | The Passage (novel) |
Miyamairi (宮参り, literally "shrine visit") is a traditional Shinto rite of passage in Japan for newborns.
The story translates the standard military academy story into outer space: a boy from Iowa goes to officer school, sees action and adventure, shoulders responsibilities far beyond his experience, and becomes a man.
Beginning with a discussion of social anthropological approaches, he discusses the role of death as a rite of passage, thereby introducing the reader to the work of the anthropologist Arnold van Gennep.
The cast-members' move to New York City differs from Rumspringa, the rite of passage in which some 16-year-old Amish are allowed to experience the outside world and to decide whether or not they wish to remain with their home communities.
At the time of the accident, Ekern was en route to Minden, Nevada, where he was a volunteer counselor and coach at the Rite of Passage, a camp for juvenile delinquents.
Accolade (also known as dubbing or adoubement), the central act in the rite-of-passage ceremonies conferring knighthood in the Middle Ages