Six people died after being stopped by soldiers at a roadblock near the Kinshasa Presidential Palace.
The 3rd Marine Raiders also moved forward for support and the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment—under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Hector de Zayas—moved behind the Numa Numa trail roadblock and was sporadically shelled by the Japanese using 90 mm mortars.
The 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment and the 1st Battalion, 21st Marine Regiment also advanced to the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment roadblock.
Mickael (Johan Libereau) is from a poor working class family - his father Gérard (Jean-Philippe Ecoffey) is a taxi cab driver who lost his license and then his job as a result of a police roadblock targeting drivers under the influence of alcohol.
Contestants bungee jumped off the dam as a Roadblock task in the first episode of the 14th season of The Amazing Race.
Fighting was fierce against a strong German rearguard, which set up a number of ambushes and roadblocks to deter the division; one such roadblock was set up near the town of Castellaneta and defended by a unit of Fallschirmjaeger.
Gunther's squad approached a roadblock of two German machine guns in the village of Chaumont-devant-Damvillers.
When the advancing enemy attempted to penetrate a roadblock, Sgt. Whittington, completely disregarding intense enemy action, mounted a tank and by shouting through the turret, directed it into position to fire pointblank at the leading Mark V German tank.
The town hall was featured on the 6th leg of The Amazing Race 18, when the teams had to compete in a tea-drinking roadblock.
On 1 July 2007, the day after the attack on Glasgow Airport, Asha and his wife were arrested in a rolling roadblock on the M6 motorway in Cheshire.
She notes that the crucial moment of her political awakening occurred when she went to the Palestinian village Shufa where the IDF had set up a roadblock and fired rubber bullets on a Palestinian demonstration.