
unusual facts about salmon run

Salmon run

In 2009, researchers compared the foraging success of black bears with the white-coated spirit bear, a morphed subspecies of the black bear.

Maitland River

The lower Maitland (to Wingham) has a trout and salmon run, and is home to several species at risk including Queen snake, Wavy-rayed Lampmussel and Butternut tree, as well as several Carolinian forest species, including Bitternut hickory, American Sycamore, Summer grape and Green dragon.

Marine Stewardship Council

The year before, the salmon run of the Fraser River (a part of the fishery) was only 1.4 million (M) of a predicted 11 M salmon and had prompted the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to launch a judicial enquiry.

Salmon shark

Animals are believed to range as far south as the Sea of Japan and as far north as 65 degrees north in Alaska and in particular in Prince William Sound during the annual salmon run.

see also