
unusual facts about sample size


However, using mt and nDNA sequences of increased length, Sorenson et al. in 2003 noted that all three previous DNA studies were apparently flawed due to errors in methodology, small sample size, and sequencing errors; their study strongly suggested against a close relationship between the Hoatzin and cuckoos or turacos.

see also

Jarque–Bera test

Around 1979, Anil Bera and Carlos Jarque while working on their dissertations on regression analysis, have applied the Lagrange multiplier principle to the Pearson family of distributions to test the normality of unobserved regression residuals and found that the JB test was asymptotically optimal (although the sample size needed to “reach” the asymptotic level was quite large).

Strictly standardized mean difference

In a primary screen without replicates, assuming the measured value (usually on the log scale) in a well for a tested compound is X i and the negative reference in that plate has sample size n N, sample mean \bar{X} N , median \tilde{X} N , standard deviation s N and median absolute deviation \tilde{s} N , the SSMD for this compound is estimated as