
unusual facts about scientific theory

Cyril Domb

Domb began writing his views reconciling the apparent contradictions between science and Judaism in 1961, when The Jewish Chronicle of London asked him for a 1000-word article on how Jewish teachings accord with the Big Bang and Steady State cosmological theories.

see also

Boulevard Montmartre: Mardi Gras

This work has an influence of Pointillism which Pissarro tested as an emerging "scientific" theory of art before creating this work.

Earth crust displacement

Plate tectonics, scientific theory which describes the large scale motions of Earth's crust (lithosphere).


Recapitulation theory, a scientific theory influential on but no longer accepted in its original form by both evolutionary and developmental biology, namely, that the congruence in form between the same embryonic developmental stages of different species is evidence that the embryos are repeating the evolutionary stages of their ancestral history