
unusual facts about scientists

Acta Eruditorum

Since its inception many eminent scientists published there – apart from Leibniz, e.g., Jakob Bernoulli, Humphry Ditton, Leonhard Euler, Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus, Pierre-Simon Laplace and Jérôme Lalande but also humanists and philosophers as Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff, Stephan Bergler, Christian Thomasius and Christian Wolff.

Anatomy murder

During the 19th century, the sensational serial murders associated with Burke and Hare and the London Burkers led to legislation which provided scientists and medical schools with legal ways of obtaining cadavers.

Bathycrinicola tumidula

Bathycrinicola tumidula is also notable for inhabiting McMurdo Sound, near McMurdo Station, Ross Island here, scientists who inhabit the American station throughout the Summer months can observe this species carefully.

Biotechnology and genetic engineering in Bangladesh

In 2012, the same group of scientists decoded the genome of Macrophomina phaseolina, a Botryosphaeriaceae fungus, which is responsible for causing seedling blight, root rot, and charcoal rot of more than 500 crop and non-crop species throughout the world.

Chemical computer

The breakthrough came when he read a theoretical article of two scientists who illustrated how to make logic gates to a computer by using the balls on a billiard table as an example.


Proposed by a pair of scientists, Edward F. Knipling and Raymond C. Bushland, and rapidly adopted by the United States Department of Agriculture, the technique centers on a unique reproductive handicap that prevents female hominivorax flies from reproducing more than once in their life-spans.

Continuous Plankton Recorder

Started in 1931 by Sir Alister Hardy, the CPR has provided marine scientists with their only measure of plankton communities on a pan-oceanic scale.

Dead Mine

Warren Price (Les Loveday), the son of a millionaire, with his partner, Japan scientists Rie (Miki Mizuno), Price's girlfriend Su-Ling (Carmen Soo) is on a mission to explore a bunker military relics of Japan's army on the island of Una-Una, Gulf of Tomini, Sulawesi.

Delhi Ridge

Scientists from Centre for Environmental Management of Degraded Ecosystems, University of Delhi have so far got over 10 ecosystems reintroduced with over 40 biotic communities.

Felix Ziegel

He called the special meeting of Academy’s Radio astronomy Council, with venerable scientists like V. S. Troitsky and N. S. Kardashev being among those present.

Ghislieri College

Among its distinguished alumni are Carlo Goldoni and several Italian statesmen, scientists, scholars of the last two centuries.

Glenelg, Mars

The location was named Glenelg by NASA scientists for two reasons: all features in the immediate vicinity were given names associated with Yellowknife in northern Canada, and Glenelg is the name of a geological feature there.

History of emerging infectious diseases

Pre-existing theories of disease: Before a pathogen is well-recognized, scientists may attribute the symptoms of infection to other causes, such as toxicological, psychological, or genetic causes.

Howie scream

Crash Bandicoot (1996) and Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (1997): Used as death screams for various scientists.


Hyperconnectivity is a term invented by Canadian social scientists Anabel Quan-Haase and Barry Wellman, arising from their studies of person-to-person and person-to-machine communication in networked organizations and networked societies.

Institute on Religion in an Age of Science

The first was a group of scientists from the Committee on Science and Values of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.


A 1990 meeting held in Grenoble, France, served as a site of discussion regarding national ice coring efforts and the possibility of international collaboration between the world’s top scientists.

Jakob Sederholm

In the 1974 historical novel Centennial, James Michener listed Sederholm among those scientists who made early estimates of the age of the Earth.

Jason Farradane Award

Of Central European origin, his commitment to science was reflected in the name he created for himself - a combination of Faraday and Haldane, two scientists he particularly admired.

Jerry Fodor on mental architecture

Thomas Kuhn (1962), Norwood Russell Hanson (1958) and Nelson Goodman (1968), for example, maintain that the perception of the world depends on how the percipient conceives the world: two individuals (two scientists) who witness the same phenomenon and are steeped in two radically different theories will see two radically different things.

Johann Gerhard König

In 1778, König was transferred to a post with the British East India Company where he remained until his death, undertaking several scientific journeys and working with notable scientists like William Roxburgh, Johan Christian Fabricius and Sir Joseph Banks.

José Antonio de Mendoza, 3rd Marquis of Villagarcía

Other French scientists in Peru at this time were Charles Marie de La Condamine and Pierre Bouguer.

Kunjin virus

In 2005, scientists at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research and the University of Queensland found that modified Kunjin virus particles injected into mice were able to deliver a gene into the immune system targeting cancer cells.

Lucio Russo

Hellenistic scientists, among whom Euclid, Archimedes, Eratosthenes, developed an axiomatic and deductive way of argumentation.

Marat Tazhin

Tazhin met with United States Senator Richard Lugar in Astana on 7 February 2006 to discuss biological weapon nonproliferation measures and cooperation with U.S. scientists.

Mars Space Flight Facility

Scientists, researchers, and students there specialize in using instruments on spacecraft at Mars for remote sensing research primarily concerning the geology and mineralogy of the planet.

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

Well-known scientists currently based at the institute include Svante Pääbo (genetics), Bernard Comrie (linguistics), Michael Tomasello (psychology), Christophe Boesch (primatology), and Jean-Jacques Hublin (evolution).


Because of this traditionally polyphyletic use, some scientists, such as Paul Sereno, reject the family name Megalosauridae in favor of Torvosauridae (coined by Jensen in 1985), despite the fact that Megalosauridae has priority under the ICZN rules governing family-level names in zoology.

NBC Bearings

The company was awarded the prestigious Deming Application Prize by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE).

Neil Banerjee

As a staff scientist under contract with Texas A&M University, Banerjee managed an international research project, the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, involving scientists from more than 20 countries.

Nikolai Kondratiev

This rediscovery of Kondratiev in English-speaking academia led to his theories being extended for the first time beyond economics as, for example, political scientists such as Joshua Goldstein and geographers such as Brian Berry extended the concept of Kondratiev long waves into their own fields.

Noriaki Kano

He was the 1997 recipient of the Deming Prize for Individuals, administered by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE).


IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, a transnational group of about 3000 professional engineers and scientists

Rock pocket mouse

In 2003, scientists sampled DNA from both light- and dark-coloured rock pocket mice from areas in Pinacate Peaks, Mexico and New Mexico, USA.

Royal College of Science

But the scientists pressed the need for much better laboratory space, so the school of naval architecture instead went to Greenwich.


At yearly meetings application scientists and staff from HPC centers present talks about, and discuss, ways to develop efficient and scalable scientific applications.

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

To aid in identifying the future research needs, industry leaders — Gazpromneft, IBS, National Composite Centre, Rosatom, SP Korolev Rocket & Space Corporation Energia and TNK-BP — also gave presentations to scientists.

Society for Scientific Exploration

The Skeptical Inquirer published an article by Robert Sheaffer who wrote that the SSE was a non-mainstream organization that was biased towards uncritically believing UFO phenomena, that the panel included many scientists that were UFO advocates but no scientists that were skeptics of UFO claims, and that all the uphold cases were old cases that had failed to convince any skeptic of its accuracy or veracity.

Soil solarization

In 1977, American scientists from the University of California at Davis reported the control of Verticillium in a cotton field, based on studies started in 1976, thus denoting, for the first time, the possible wide applicability of this method.

The Consul

Zechariah Chafee, Jr. noted the topicality of the opera by analogy to the real-life situations of how non-American scientists were hindered from entering the United States in the early 1950s.

The Hockey Stick Illusion

Alastair McIntosh, writing in the Scottish Review of Books, criticised the book as only being able to "cut the mustard with tabloid intellectuals but not with most scientists."

The Pacifist

Published near the beginning of the Cold War, "The Pacifist" satirizes the military-industrial complex (although the term would not come into wide use for another five years.) The involvement of civilian scientists in military projects was familiar to the reading public, notably the involvement of J. Robert Oppenheimer's team of nuclear scientists in the Manhattan Project, under the military leadership of General Leslie Groves.

Tor Bergeron

Bergeron was one of the principal scientists in the Bergen School of Meteorology, which

Wenner-Gren Center

The Center is named after the businessman Axel Wenner-Gren, who donated funds to finance its construction, after Nobel Prize winner Hugo Theorell had lobbied for having the housing need of visiting scientists addressed.

William Colglazier

From 1983 to 1991, he was Professor of Physics and Director of the Energy, Environment, and Resources Center at the University of Tennessee where he worked closely with scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

William Cottrell

A letter in Cottrell’s defense, signed by Stephen Hawking and other prominent scientists, was distributed to prison authorities and the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals at Cottrell’s October 18, 2006 hearing.


Programs aired on the station include Radio in Black and White, Democracy Now!, Sierra Club Radio, Reality Check, Reasonable Doubts, Southpaws, The Union Edge, Faith and Reason, Ring of Fire, Law and Disorder, The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann, Culture Wars Radio, Ask the Naked Scientists, and many other shows.

Xavier Vilanova i Montiu

Subsequently, following his family’s advice he moved to Paris to specialize in dermatology at the Hospital Saint Louis, then stayed for a period in Strasbourg and Milan where he received training from other leading scientists.

XIV International AIDS Conference, 2002

The International AIDS Society selected this theme to emphasize the need for the general community and public and private sector organizations, scientists, and social workers to commit to use the knowledge gained through science and experience take action.

see also