
unusual facts about securities


David Miller secured the conference room at the local Holiday Inn at the airport, they locked themselves into the room for 16/hour days (Miller, VanderLugt, Morro) and with the help of a FAX machine and a Securities lawyer, by mid May 1995 they had a 100-page prospectus for an IPO for AIR 21 AIRLINES.

An Act to exempt a particular class of securities from the Securities and Exchange Act

The bill H.R. 701, an act to amend a provision of the Securities Act of 1933 directing the Securities and Exchange Commission to add a particular class of securities to those exempted under such Act to provide a deadline for such action, was a bill introduced into the United States House of Representatives in the 113th United States Congress.

Brad S. Karp

His client list includes JPMorgan Chase, Wachovia, Morgan Stanley, Apollo Global Management, Merrill Lynch, Deloitte, MacAndrews & Forbes, ING, Bear Stearns, Ericsson, Hexion, Scottish Power and Eton Park in securities, commercial and regulatory matters.

Cash and carry

Basis trading, a form of arbitrage in which securities are bought in the cash market and a short in a forward contract

Cohmad Securities

On January 14, 2009, William Galvin, Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth, who is in charge of the state's securities issues, filed suit against Jaffe, a Cohmad broker for Madoff, who promoted Madoff's funds to wealthy investors in Massachusetts and Florida.

Commodity market

Because they do not invest in securities, commodity ETFs are not regulated as investment companies under the Investment Company Act of 1940 in the United States, although their public offering is subject to SEC review and they need an SEC no-action letter under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Crittall Windows

In 1965, it merged with Henry Hope & Sons Ltd to form Crittall Hope - a firm that was then taken over in 1968 by Slater Walker Securities.

Daewoo Securities

Daewoo Securities was founded in 1970 as part of the Daewoo Corporation, the second largest conglomerate in Korea after Hyundai.

Douglas Clayton

Clayton is a director of Kingdom Breweries (Cambodia), trustee of the Center for Khmer Studies, and served as Technical Advisor to the Director General of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia.

Economy of Second Life

Ginko's assets were primarily invested in things of either poor to no liquidity, or virtual securities that were then trading at significantly under their purchase price.

Foundation for New Era Philanthropy

In addition, Prudential Securities was a prominent part of the setup (and became the subject of a $90 million lawsuit accusing them of complicity).

G. William Miller

In November 1978, only 11 months into his term, the dollar had fallen nearly 34% against the German mark and almost 42% against the Japanese yen, prompting the Carter administration to launch a "dollar rescue package" including emergency sales from the U.S. gold stock, borrowing from the International Monetary Fund, and auctions of Treasury securities denominated in foreign currencies.

Gary Weiss

The book is critical of hedge funds, mutual funds, the Wall Street securities arbitration process, the New York Stock Exchange, and former Securities and Exchange Commission chairmen Arthur Levitt and William H. Donaldson.

Geneva Securities Convention

In this centralised system, the title transfer of the securities does not take place at the time of the registration on the account of the investor, but within the systems managed by the DTC and/or by the Federal reserve.

Government National Mortgage Association

These securities, or “pools” of mortgage loans, are used as collateral for the issuance of securities on Wall Street.

Herbert Wechsler

The Institute also conducted various studies in federal taxation and completed the Federal Securities Code, the Model Land Development Code, the Model Code of Pre-Arraignment Procedure, the Study of the Division of Jurisdiction Between State and Federal Courts, and made major revisions to the Uniform Commercial Code.

Ian Ramsay

Professor Ian Ramsay (born 7 October 1958) is Harold Ford Professor of Commercial Law, Melbourne Law School and director of their Center for Corporate Law and Securities Regulation in Melbourne, Australia.

Idiot defense

John J. Rigas, the founder of Adelphia, was charged with conspiracy, bank fraud, and securities fraud.

Indian Depository Receipt

An Indian Depository Receipt (IDR) is a financial instrument denominated in Indian Rupees in the form of a depository receipt created by a Domestic Depository (custodian of securities registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India) against the underlying equity of issuing company to enable foreign companies to raise funds from the Indian securities Markets.

Indian Institute of Banking and Finance

The Institute is having collaboration arrangements with reputed international bodies like Canadian Institute of Bankers; Securities Institute, Australia; World Bank, Washington; American Bankers Association and Asian Institute of Management, Manila and IIMs / XLRI, India for offering courses and CPD programmes to banking and finance professionals.

Jean-Pierre Jouyet

At the conclusion of this assignment, Jean-Pierre Jouyet was then nominated by President Sarkozy on the 14 November 2008 to become Chairman of the French securities regulator, the AMF (l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers), to replace Michel Prada, at the end of his non-renewable 5 year mandate, on 15 December 2008.

Kevin Duffy

Duffy has served as an adjunct professor for several different universities, including Brooklyn Law School (1975–1980, securities), York University Law School (1983–1984, trial advocacy), Pace University School of Law (1984–1986, trial advocacy), and Fordham University School of Law (1993–present, trial advocacy)


In 2005, Landsbanki acquired three European securities houses: Teather & Greenwood, located in London and Edinburgh; Kepler Capital Markets, headquartered in Paris; and Merrion Capital Group in Dublin.

Mark Mobius

Before joining Templeton, Mobius worked at international securities firm Vickers-da-Costa, and later was president of International Investment Trust Company in Taipei, Taiwan.

Maurice Bonham Carter

He also held a number of business directorships with companies such as Blackburn and General Aircraft, Hanworth Securities Ltd, Scophony Ltd and was a partner with merchant bankers O.T. Falk and Partners, and stockbrokers Buckmaster & Moore.

Montgomery Securities

The merger of BankAmerica Corporation and NationsBank Corporation, prompted NationsBank CEO Hugh McColl to propose to put the together the two investment banks, BancAmerica Robertson Stephens and NationsBanc Montgomery Securities.


Major insurance, securities, financial services companies, and investment firms with headquarters in Myeongdong include Citibank, SK Corporation, Kookmin Bank, Korea Exchange Bank, Lone Star Funds, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, AIG Korea Insurance, Hana Bank, and HSBC.

OTC Bulletin Board

Broker-dealers who subscribe to the system, which is not electronic, can use the OTCBB to enter orders for OTC securities that qualify to be quoted.

OTC Markets Group

The OTC Bulletin Board (OTCBB) is a listing of securities that are also traded "over the counter" similar to the OTC Markets.

Otto III, Count of Waldeck

Simultaneously, Otto III lent 3100 Rhenish guilders to Louis I, who gave Otto as securities Schöneberg Castle and the district of Hofgeismar (excluding the town of Hofgeismar, which was still held by Mainz).

Peabody Education Fund

Founded of necessity due to damage caused largely by the American Civil War, the Peabody Education Fund was established by George Peabody in 1867 for the purpose of promoting "intellectual, moral, and industrial education in the most destitute portion of the Southern States." The gift of foundation consisted of securities to the value of $2,100,000, of which $1,100,000 were in Mississippi State bonds, afterward repudiated.

Pollock-Krasner Foundation

Krasner left approximately $23 million in cash, securities and art to the foundation.

Public corporation

Public company, i.e. a limited liability company that offers its securities for sale to the general public.

Publicly owned

Public company, a company which is permitted to offer its securities (stock, bonds, etc.) for sale to the general public, typically through a stock exchange

Richmond and York River Railroad

The securities holders then asked Drexel, Morgan and Company, soon to be J.P. Morgan & Co., to prepare a plan of reorganization for the Richmond Terminal Company and the companies in which that company had an interest.

Royal veto of the appointment of bishops

In the debate which followed, Sir John Hippisley spoke in a general way of securities for Catholic loyalty.

Shana Madoff

She also served on compliance Executive Committees of the Securities Industry Association and the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), and served on the compliance advisory committee of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), a securities industry "self-regulatory organization".

Sir Frank Newnes, 2nd Baronet

He also served as a director of City & Commercial Investment Trusts Ltd and Redeemable Securities Trust Ltd and was Chairman of Associated Weavers, Ltd and Armoride Ltd.

Thomas G. Morris

He ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate in 1972, and then served as a management consultant and vice president for Bank Securities, Inc.

Thomas Weisel Partners

In 1997, Thom Weisel helped to orchestrate a $1.3 billion acquisition of Montgomery Securities by NationsBank.

Uniform Commercial Code

That update of the UCC treats the majority of the transfers of dematerialized securities as mere reflections of their respective initial issue registered by the two American central securities depositories, respectively the Depository Trust Company (DTC) for the securities issued by corporations and the Federal reserve for the securities issued by the Treasury Department.

Vikramaditya Khanna

He was a recipient of the John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for 2002–2003, and his areas of research and teaching interest include corporate and securities laws, law in India, corporate governance in emerging markets, corporate crime, corporate and managerial liability, and law and economics.

William C. Stone

He holds or has held Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) securities series licenses 6, 7, 8 and 22, was a New York Stock Exchange and Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board Principal and an Associated Person with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

William Glendon

In the 1977 securities fraud case Santa Fe Industries Inc. v. Green, Glendon successfully argued that a party challenging a securities transaction permitted under state law must prove fraudulent deception and not just a breach of fiduciary responsibility.

William H. Overholt

His consulting experience ranges from strategic planning to foreign affairs to the Conference Board, U.S. Army Strategic Studies Institute, the Foreign Service Institute, Dean Witter Reynolds, A.G. Becker & Co., MacMillan Bloedel, Honda Motor Company, Tong Yang Securities, 13-D Research, Matterhorn Palmyra Fund, and numerous other corporations.

see also