
unusual facts about seizures


1997 in Japanese television

December 16-Denno Senshi Porygon,an episode of Pokémon,is aired on TV Tokyo in Japan.20 minutes in the episode, Ash Ketchum's Pikachu uses its Thunderbolt attack on vaccine missiles,causing red and blue strobe lights flashing rapidly.This gives 685 viewers (310 boys and 375 girls) seizures and causes Indigo League (The series of Pokémon) to go into hiatus until April 1998.

All of the Lights

It was given a discretionary warning by Epilepsy Action, stating that the video "potentially triggers seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy".

Atwater v. Lago Vista

Atwater and her husband, Michael Haas, an emergency room physician at a local hospital, filed suit under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 with Charles Lincoln being the lawyer who launched the case, alleging that the city violated her Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable seizures by arresting her for a crime whose only punishment was a fine.

Benedict of Farfa

Nevertheless, according to the forensic testimony of his successor, Ingoald, the monastery lost property during the reign of Pope Leo III (795–816), partly from the unlawful seizures of the Holy See.

Benj. Franklin Savings and Loan

In 1996 the United States Supreme Court found that this and similar seizures were based on an unconstitutional provision of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA).

Charles Cotesworth Pinckney

Relations with the French First Republic was then at a low ebb: the Jay Treaty between the US and Great Britain had angered members of the ruling French Directory, and they had ordered the French Navy to step up seizures of American merchant vessels found to be trading with Britain, with whom France was at war.


In 1781, the American revolution induced the Dutch Republic to join with the Bourbon side against the British, a large fleet under Admiral Lord Rodney's command was sent to the West Indies, and after having made some seizures in the Caribbean Islands, a squadron was detached to take possession of the colonies of Essequebo and Demerara, which was accomplished without much difficulty.

Dreamscape Online

He subsequently lost re-election to Eliot Spitzer, and the US government improved its methods of identifying the sources of illegal pornography - no further seizures of ISPs' equipment followed.


The initial motivation for EEG-fMRI was in the field of research into epilepsy, and in particular the study of interictal epileptiform discharges (IED, or interictal spikes), and their generators, and of seizures.

Epilepsy and driving

In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration often prohibits anyone with epilepsy from being issued a pilot's license, even if the seizures are controlled by a medication or have completely ceased.

Fourth Amendment

Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, part of the Bill of Rights, prohibiting unreasonable searches, seizures, and recognizing Americans' natural right of privacy.

Issues for people with epilepsy

Depression is very common among people with epilepsy, with rates as high as 20% for those whose seizures are successfully controlled, and 60% for those with uncontrolled seizures.

Jeremy Jeffress

In late June 2013 while with the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons, Jeffress was diagnosed with juvenile epilepsy, which gave an explanation to the high anxiety and seizures that he had experienced through most of his adult life.

Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

The first citation of JME was made in 1857 when Théodore Herpin described a 13-year-old boy suffering from myoclonic jerks, which progressed to tonic-clonic seizures three months later.


Kindling model, the process by which major epileptic seizures are triggered by repeated small stimulation to the brain

MMRV vaccine

Rare but serious adverse events reported following ProQuad vaccination include allergic reactions, including swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; difficulty breathing or closing of the throat; hives; paleness; weakness; dizziness; a fast heart beat; deafness; long-term seizures, coma, or lowered consciousness; permanent brain damage; seizures (jerking or staring) caused by fever; or temporary low platelet count.

N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid

NMDA receptors are particularly important when they become overactive during withdrawal from alcohol as this causes symptoms such as agitation and, sometimes, epileptiform seizures.

Patagonian toothfish

Because of previous poaching, the French Navy and Australian Customs vessels still work in tangent, patrolling both French and Australian EEZs, having made numerous arrests and seizures in the late 1990s to early 2000s.

Random checkpoint

Further, Justice Brennan in his dissenting opinion argued that the police had failed to show that the checkpoint seizures were a necessary tool and worth the intrusion on individual privacy.

Seizures in Barren Praise

Seizures in Barren Praise is the second full length album by extreme metal band, Trap Them.


Dennō Senshi Porygon a Pokémon episode notorious in having caused seizures in over 630 viewers.

Shock therapy

Electroconvulsive therapy, or electroshock, a psychiatric treatment in which seizures are electrically induced, or its predecessor metrazol/cardiazol convulsive therapy

see also