
unusual facts about self-organization

Acromyrmex heyeri

Studies using isoenzyme systems MDH, a-GPDH, and AMY show the occurrence of monogyny and polygyny associated or not with polyandry, which indicates that the social organization is colony-specific.

Afshar Operation

According to a Human Rights Watch report, "credible and consistent" accounts from several officials who worked in Shura-e-Nazar (the informal politico-military organization headed by Rabbani's defense minister, Ahmad Shah Massoud) and the Rabbani interim government reveal that a military campaign against Hizb-i Wahdat was planned and approved by officials at the "highest levels" of the Rabbani government.

Aleh Negev

The village was built by the Aleh organization, which was founded by Doron Almog.

Alex Schoenbaum

Under Alex Schoenbaum, the Shoney's organization also developed and operated the Captain D's fast food seafood chain, Lee's Famous Recipe Chicken fast-food chain, now part of Mrs. Winner's, and three casual dining chains, The Sailmaker, Pargo's and the Fifth Quarter Steakhouses.


Axis of Justice, a non-profit organization based in Los Angeles, United States

Bryan Wiedmeier

Bryan J. Wiedmeier is in his fourth season with the Cleveland Browns, having joined the organization as Executive Vice President-Business Operations on January 11, 2010.

Church of Scientology editing on Wikipedia

After the Scientology organization tried to remove a promotional film of Scientology featuring celebrity member Tom Cruise from the Internet, a group of web-based activists known as "Anonymous" focused efforts against Scientology.

Cipher Bureau

:For the Polish organization see Biuro Szyfrów, for the U.S. intelligence agency see Black Chamber.

Collegial Centre for Educational Materials Development

It is the first college organization to make educational content available on this distribution platform, and the third educational institution in Quebec to join, after University of Montreal and McGill University.


The organization considers local writers those contestants born or living in either Elda or Petrer.


Cxense conducts joint R&D with universities such as the University of Oslo (UiO), and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) to develop new algorithms, and is supported by Innovation Norway, the Norwegian Government organization promoting industrial development.


Development Education Society (DEEDS), an Indian non-governmental organization

Dennis Ryland

In season three he begins working as the leader of a privately owned company, Haspel Corporation, a defense contractor aiding the NSA in the tracking of the Nova Group, a terrorist organization of 4400 returnees.

Diana Whitney

In 1991 Whitney along with Kenneth Gergen, Mary Gergen, Sheila McNamme, Harlene Anderson, David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva founded the Taos Institute as a community of scholars and practitioners dedicated to furthering relational practices in the fields of organization development, family therapy and education.

Domotor-Kolompar criminal organization

The Domotor-Kolompar criminal organization (also called the Domotor family crime group) was a Canadian human trafficking ring that was dismantled in the biggest human trafficking case in Canadian history.

Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs israélites de France

The Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs israélites de France (EEIF, Jewish Guides and Scouts of France) is a Jewish Scouting and Guiding organization in France.

Electoral integrity

These standards have been endorsed in a series of authoritative conventions, treaties, protocols, and guidelines by agencies of the international community, notably by the decisions of the UN General Assembly, by regional bodies such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Organization of American States (OAS), and the African Union (AU), and by member states in the United Nations.

Francisco Azuela

:*Member of World Poets Society (WPS) A Literary Organization for Contemporary Poets from all around the World, Greco 2006.

Hamden L. Forkner

(March 10, 1897 – November 25, 1975) was an American educator and writer who created Future Business Leaders of America, an educational organization for high school and college students, and developed the Forkner shorthand system for taking dictation.

Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society

The organization ran shelters for recent Jewish immigrants at Castle Garden, New York's immigration center at the Battery prior to the 1892 opening of the facility at Ellis Island; Wards Island near the meeting point of Manhattan, The Bronx and Queens; and Greenpoint in Brooklyn.

Israel, Palestine, and the United Nations

Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, denounced the speech stating that Hamas was an internationally recognized terrorist organization that targeted civilians.

Jewish Military Union

In recent years, new research has been published on the ŻZW which has called into question the validity of some of what was written on the underground organization, including and most recently Maciej Kledzik, Marian Apfelbaum, Stefan Bratkowski and Moshe Arens.

Jibou Botanical Garden

The works for the organization of the Botanical Garden from Jibou started between the years 1959-1968, when Vasile Fati (1932-2007), a biology teacher, with the students and with the other teachers manages to prove that the parks around Wesselényi Castle, where the high school was functioning is appropriate for a botanical garden.

Kevin Perkins

Kevin Perkins is the executive director of the Canadian not-for-profit organization Farm Radio International since May 2006.

Lange Foundation

The Lange Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1993 in West Los Angeles, California by Gillian Lange.

Lebanon in the Eurovision Song Contest

The country's broadcasting organization, Télé Liban, was set to make the country's debut at the Eurovision Song Contest 2005 with the song "Quand tout s'enfuit" performed by Aline Lahoud, but withdrew due to Lebanon's laws barring the broadcast of Israeli content.


The Lifeshape foundation is a charitable organization associated with Chick-fil-A Inc. and a sister foundation to the WinShape foundation.

Metro Maryland Youth For Christ

Metro Maryland Youth For Christ is a religious organization for young people in Maryland, United States.

Mohammad Nabi Mohammadi

Most of these leaders congregated in Peshawar and tried to make contact with the leadership of two already established organization Hezb-e Islami and Jamiat-e Islami Afghanistan which they had heard of prior to their arrival because of the their declaration of jihad and clandestine distribution of publications critical of President Daud.

Moshe Rosen

Moishe Rosen (1932–2010), founder of the organization Jews for Jesus

New Orleans mayoral election, 1994

Lambert Bossiere, Jr., city councillor for District D since 1981 and member of the Seventh Ward political organization COUP.

North American Man/Boy Love Association

Cartman Joins NAMBLA, a South Park episode that parodied the organization


National Remote Sensing Centre (formerly the National Remote Sensing Agency): A central organization of the government of India responsible for managing data from imaging satellites.


New West Electronic Arts & Music Organization (NWEAMO), founded by composer Joseph Waters in Portland, Oregon, U.S. in 1998, is a nonprofit organization based in San Diego, California that produces the annual international festival of electro-acoustic music.

Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina

It grew out of the ZOI '84 organization, organizers of the 1984 Winter Olympics in Sarajevo.


Pacific Islands Forum, an inter-governmental organization of countries in the Pacific Ocean

Premotor cortex

Graziano and colleagues suggested an alternative principle of organization for the primary motor cortex and the caudal part of the premotor cortex, all regions that project directly to the spinal cord and that were included in the Penfield and Woolsey definition of M1.

Rabei Osman

Italian and Spanish arrest warrants suggest he became a member of the terrorist organization "Egyptian Islamic Jihad", one of al-Qaeda's backbone groups, which was led by Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's right hand man and mentor.

Richard A. Barone

The Brentwood Foundation, now part of the Cleveland Clinic Health Organization, was established in 1994 as a charitable trust dedicated to the promotion and advancement of medical education, clinical research, and community initiatives that impact health and wellness in the field of osteopathic medicine.

Rohingya conflict in Western Burma

On 7 November 2012, one soldier from the Burmese Army was reportedly beheaded and three others were captured by the Muslim rebels, by an armed group of the Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO), in their guerrilla offensive against the Burmese army in northern Maungdaw township on the Burma-Bangladesh border.

Scientology in the United States

Among these documents was a plan to frame Gabe Cazares, the mayor of the city of Clearwater, Florida, with a staged hit-and-run accident; plans to discredit the skeptical organization CSICOP by spreading rumors that it was a front for the CIA; and a project called "Operation Freakout," aimed at ruining the life of author Paulette Cooper, author of an early book critical of the movement, The Scandal of Scientology.

Sex workers' rights

So far, the organization has influenced policy in certain countries and has interacted with the president Rafael Correa of Ecuador and Luis Ignacio Lula de Silva in Brazil.


Baron Blitzkrieg - Baron Reiter, also known as the Chief of Shadows; this seems to be his title in the organization.

System of Cooperation Among the American Air Forces

In 1964, the Peruvian Air Force proposed the creation of a voluntary organization of mutual professional relations in a document titled "Bases and Procedures for a Cooperation System between the American Air Forces".

The Sucker

Unknown to Maréchal, Saroyan is the leader of a criminal organization and the Cadillac is filled with drugs, stolen gold and diamonds, including the largest diamond in the World, the Youkounkoun.

Tim Laker

However, after just one season, he was moved to the position of "roving catching instructor" within the Indians organization and replaced by Travis Fryman.

Tulsequah River

An Alaska organization, Rivers Without Borders, has been working to gain legislative protection for the Taku River on the Alaska side, an effort driven in part by the mine's waste flowing into the Tulsequah River.

William Nelson Page

Page often worked as a manager for absentee owners, such as the British geological expert, Dr. David T. Ansted, and the New York City mayor, Abram S. Hewitt of the Cooper-Hewitt organization and other New York and Boston financiers, or as the “front man” in projects involving a silent partner, such as Henry H. Rogers.

Workshop for All Beings

The organization conducted projects on preservation of the Wapienica Valley in Bielsko-Biała, they protested against building a coke plant just by the Polish border in Stonava in the Czech Republic, against building of a nuclear power plant in Żarnowiec as well as against deforestation of Bielsko-Biała.

Youth ministry

There are organizations within the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (the primary organization of Unitarian Universalist congregations in the United States), as well as within the Canadian Unitarian Council (the national body for Unitarian Universalists in Canada), which minister to and with youth, of which Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (YRUU) is the largest and most apparent.

see also

Alexander Oparin

In 1953, Stanley Miller attempted an experiment to investigate whether chemical self-organization could have been possible on pre-historic Earth.

Collaborative intelligence

In the late 1980s, Eshel Ben-Jacob began to study bacterial self-organization, believing that bacteria hold the key to understanding larger biological systems.


Hypercycle (chemistry), a kind of reaction network prominent in a theory of the self-organization of matter, see Manfred Eigen and quasispecies model

Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization

The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization in Göttingen, Germany, is a research institute for investigations of complex non-equilibrium systems, particularly in physics and biology.

Ofer Biham

Biham is known for the Biham–Middleton–Levine traffic model, which is possibly the simplest model containing phase transitions and self-organization.