
7 unusual facts about sensor


It consists of a range of Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) and associated Unattended Ground Sensors (UGS) to counter terrorist actions in lieu of manned operations.

Precision viticulture

Other Environmental Sensors monitor important biophysical factors such as solar radiation, soil moisture, and temperature regimes.

Distributed Sensor Networks use strategic deployment of sensors throughout a vineyard to monitor key factors such as water stress and temperature.


Sensor operation, that is, the detection of a physical presence and the conversion of that data into a signal that can be read by an observer or an instrument


In February 2005, three infants were born with birth defects to migrant farmworkers within eight weeks of each other in Collier County, Florida.

Sentinel Event Notification System for Occupational Risks (SENSOR)-Pesticides is a U.S. state-based surveillance program that monitors pesticide-related illness and injury.

Sensors for Arc Welding

The general term “Sensors for Arc Welding” denotes devices which – as a part of a fully mechanised welding equipment – are capable to acquire information about position and, if possible, about the geometriy of the intended weld at the workpiece and to provide respective data in a suitable form for the control of the weld torch position and, if possible, for the weld process parameters.

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler

Further components of an ADCP are an electronic amplifier, a receiver, a mixer, a clock to measure the traveling time, a temperature sensor, a compass to know the relative rotation, and a pitch/roll sensor to know the horizontal.

Air battle manager

Both of these aircraft are highly modified Boeing 707 airframes equipped with long-range radars and other sensor systems.

Air draft

At several bridges, such as the Gerald Desmond Bridge in Long Beach, CA, NOAA has installed an "Air Gap" measuring device that accurately measures the distance from its sensor on the bridge to the water surface and can be accessed by marine pilots and ship's masters to aid them in making real time determination of clearance.


Researchers believe the benefit derives from a newly discovered role for SOD1 as a self-regulating redox sensor for NADPH oxidase-derived O2• production.


An autoguider need not be an independent unit; some high-end CCD imaging units (such as those offered by SBIG) have a second, integrated CCD sensor on the same plane as the main imaging chip that is dedicated to autoguiding.

The device has a CCD or CMOS sensor that regularly takes short exposures of an area of sky near the object.

British Aerospace Nimrod AEW3

The choice of computer to integrate the various sensor systems was wrong, as the GEC 4080M was simply too slow and too underpowered to perform the tasks required of it: by the time of project cancellation, the mission system mean time between failure was around 2 hours, yet it took around 2 and a half hours to load all the mission data via a tape system.

Canadair CL-89

Three types of sensors were used with the British Drone Troops, Vinten (day sensor) Zeiss (day and night) and IRLS (day and night).

Canon EOS 20D

The main differences between the 20Da and 20D are the replacement of the "hot mirror" infra-red (IR) filter which covers the CMOS sensor on the 20D and live view mode.

Claudia Luke

She has previously served as a preserve director field stations and her career accomplishments include the development of multi-organizational research management collaborations in the areas of coastal prairie conservation, habitat connectivity, environmental sensor networks and wildlife monitoring.


Currently, there are 16 types of Cubelets available: Distance Sensor, Light Sensor, Potentiometer/Knob, Temperature Sensor, Drive Motor, Rotate Motor, Speaker, LED Flashlight, LED Bargraph, Passive, Blocker, Inverse, Maximum, Minimum, Battery and Bluetooth.

Digital single-lens reflex camera

In 1969 Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith invented the first successful imaging technology using a digital sensor, a CCD (Charge-Coupled Device).

Dust Networks

Dust Networks works with industry and standards groups such as WirelessHART, IETF, ISA, and WINA to help drive the adoption of interoperable wireless sensor networking products.

Engine coolant temperature sensor

The readings from this sensor are then fed back to the Engine control unit (ECU).

Full-frame digital SLR

Historically, the earliest digital SLR models, such as the Nikon NASA F4 or Kodak DCS 100, also used a smaller sensor.

Image sensor format

David Pogue of The New York Times states that "the actual sensor size is much smaller than what the camera companies publish – about one-third smaller."

John R. Wiegand

There is also a Wiegand interface commonly used to transmit the data collected by a Wiegand sensor in a card reader.

Karel Doorman-class support ship

All sensor systems are housed in an integrated mast, provided by Thales Nederland, called the I-Mast 400, comprising a SeaMaster 400 SMILE air warning radar, a SeaWatcher 100 active phased-array surface detection and tracking radar and the GateKeeper infra-red/electro-optical (EO) warning system.


Kistler Group, sensors and sensor electronics for measuring pressure, force, torque and acceleration

Liquid capacitive inclinometers

Yoshi's Universal Gravitation and Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble are both built around a tilt sensor mechanism, which is built into the cartridge.

Long Range Anti-Ship Missile

The LRASM is based on the AGM-158B JASSM-ER, but incorporates a multi-mode radio frequency sensor, a new weapon datalink and altimeter, and an uprated power system.

Matador Automatic Radar Control

AN/MSQ-1A centrals were subsequently used for other missions such as measuring the location of sensor aircraft during nuclear tests, e.g., 1962 F-100F "Small Boy" testing, on the Tarawa for Operation Argus, during Operation Teapot at the Nevada Proving Ground and for ranges at Tyndall AFB, Fallon Range Training Complex, and the Tonopah Training Range.

Michel Waisvisz

The Hands (1984): One year after the MIDI standard had been introduced, Waisvisz built the first experimental interface making use of sensor data converted into MIDI.


Research into sensors and micro-electromechanical technology is conducted at the site at Chipping Warden, Oxfordshire, along with sensor and electronics development.

Nikon NASA F4

The original development team included NASA Civil Servant electronic and mechanical design and fabrication, Lockheed development of the Electronic Still Camera ground station, Nikon Engineering supplying a modified Nikon F4 camera body, and Ford Aerospace and JPL development of the CCD image sensor.

Office of eDiplomacy

At the April 2012 FOSE IT exhibition, eDiplomacy demonstrated an innovative approach to presentations, using a Kinect sensor to move through a Prezi slide presentation.

Overall equipment effectiveness

Although OEE can be manually calculated based on collected production data, the standardization of plant floor networks and OPC technology has led many industrial vendors to introduce automated OEE systems, ranging in complexity from a single sensor to complex integrated MES, ERP or CMMS systems.

P-70 Ametist

The P-15M was fitted with an L band sensor and a new altimeter radar both developed for the 'Siren', but there was no room for a datalink in the smaller 'Styx'.

Precision viticulture

Precision viticulture depends on new and emerging technologies such as global positioning systems (GPS), meteorologic and other environmental sensors, satellite and airborne remote sensing, and geographic information systems (GIS) to assess and respond to variability.

Return Policy Project

Charvériat deployed ISD Chips, voice recognition, sensor-based automation, tracking devices and cellemetry (telemetry but with cells) in order to covertly modify the behaviour of common appliances.

Rex Geveden

After a few years stint at TBE Geveden joined NASA in 1990, and worked on hardware design for a number of science satellite missions, including as project manager for the Optical Transient Detector satellite, the Lightning Imaging Sensor satellite, and the Gravity Probe B satellite, a successful test of frame dragging effects predicted by General Relativity.

September 2007 Sumatra earthquakes

According to data from the Japanese PALSAR microwave sensor aboard the Daichi(ALOS) satellite, South Pagai Island was uplifted, creating 6 new islands, and exposing previously submerged coral reefs as well as enlarging existing islands.

Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensor

The design of this sensor was based on an aperture array that had been developed in 1900 by Johannes Franz Hartmann as a means to trace individual rays of light through the optical system of a large telescope, thereby testing the quality of the image.

Sony Alpha 550

The Sony Alpha a550's main selling point is its dual Live View mode's, Sony's normal secondary; smaller sensor based Live View mode and another which uses the main sensor with no autofocus.


Due to the system's ability for expansion with four sensors and eight switches, installations have included DAW synchronization (such as with Reason or Ableton), as well as live video manipulation such as Arkaos, (Resolume and Vvvv).

Starting pistol

When electronic timing is used, a sensor is often affixed to the gun, which sends an electronic signal to the timing system upon firing.


The device used the IEEE 802.15.4 standard for its networking, and unlike other available sensor nodes, used the Squawk Java Virtual Machine.

Ultrasonic thickness measurement

The wave is usually emitted by a piezoelectric cell or EMAT Sensor that is built into the measurement sensor head and the same sensor is used to record the reflected wave.

Vanadium redox battery

This has led to their adoption in some military electronics, such as the sensor components of the GATOR mine system.

Virtual security appliance

Websense DSS sensor devices use CentOS 5.2 underneath and also allow root access at setup time.

Volker Hinkel

He also appeared as a guest star on the albums "Sensor" (2003) and "Relocated" (2006) by Camouflage.

Volker Kempe

Moving to the microelectronic industry, he led the Engineering Department of ams AG and later the Strategic Product Development from 1990-2003, and in 2003 co-founded SensorDynamics AG an Austrian semiconductor company that focused on innovative sensor solutions for high volume applications in automotive and industry, of which he has been the VP of R&D.

Wasp-class amphibious assault ship

The sensor suite fitted to each ship is made up of an AN/SPS-48 or AN/SPS-52 air-search radar backed up by an AN/SPS-49 air-search radar, an SPS-67 surface search radar, an AN/URN-25 TACAN system, along with several other radars for navigation and fire control.

Wireless powerline sensor

The sensor powers itself from energy scavenged from electrical or magnetic fields surrounding the conductor being measured.

see also