
unusual facts about sepulchre


The town takes its name from its basilica which is a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

Accademia Albertina

Notable works include Saint Ambrose and Saint Gregory, Doctors of the Church by Filippo Lippi, Ferrari's The Lamentation of Christ, Deposition in the Sepulchre by Maarten van Heemskerck, After the Battle by Cornelis de Wael, Portrait of a Gentleman, Three-Quarters View by Nicolas Lagneau, Hercules and the Nemean Lion by Ignazio Collino, and Giuseppe Pietro Bagetti's Mountainous Landscape with Coastal Inlets.

All Saints' Church, Hawton

Most famous is the Easter Sepulchre, which would have been used to reserve the consecrated bread and wine between Maundy Thursday and Easter Day, during which period there would have been no celebration of Holy Communion, and the consecrated elements would have been reserved in the Sepulchre.

Cosimo Fanzago

His first important work was the sepulchre of Mario Carafa, a relative of Cardinal Carafa.

Dinas Cromlech

The travel writer Eric Newby gives a comic description of his first climb and almost his only training in mountaineering, the Ivy Sepulchre, led by two expert waitresses from the inn where he is staying, in his book A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush.

Eden Valley, New Zealand

The building was built in 1865 and was originally a Selwyn Church, known as St Sepulchre’s.

Edward Pierce

He ministered in various parishes in Northamptonshire (at St Sepulchre's, Northampton, 1660 to 1663; Duston, 1662 to 1663; All Saints, Aldwincle and Cottesbrooke, 1663 to 1694) under the patronage of a Northamptonshire landowner, Sir John Langham, who was from Cottesbrooke.

Fathers of the Holy Sepulchre

He conferred numerous benefactions on St. Saviour's, and induced the Turks to remove the stable which obstructed the light and air of the little monastery of the Holy Sepulchre.

Giovanni Battista Belzoni

He also expanded his investigations to the great temple of Edfu, visited Elephantine and Philae, cleared the great temple at Abu Simbel of sand (1817), made excavations at Karnak, and opened up the sepulchre of Seti I (still sometimes known as "Belzoni's Tomb").

Giovanni Cagliero

He was initially buried in the sepulchre of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith in Campo Verano cemetery, but his remains were later transferred in 1964 to Mater Misericordiae Cathedral in Viedma.

John of Shanghai and San Francisco

He was entombed in a sepulchre beneath the altar of the Holy Virgin Cathedral he had built in San Francisco dedicated to the Theotokos, Joy of all who Sorrow on Geary Boulevard in the Richmond district.

Maurice VI de Craon

He had the Chapel of John the Baptist built for his family's sepulchre in the Church of the Cordeliers in Angers.

Monastery of Sant Daniel, Girona

Artworks include the sepulchre of St. Daniel, whose remains, according to the tradition, were brought here from Arles.

Pontifical Commission of Sacred Archaeology

In a vineyard on the Appian Way he discovered (1849) a fragment of a marble slab bearing part of an inscription, "NELIVS. MARTYR", which he recognized as belonging to the sepulchre of Pope Cornelius, slain in 253, whose remains were laid to rest in the Catacomb of St. Callixtus on the Appian Way.

Sepulcher Mountain

The peak was named Sepulcher by Captain John W. Barlow, U.S. Army in 1871 because of it resemblance to a crypt when viewed from Gardiner, Montana.

see also