
unusual facts about shipwrecked


John Banville's 1993 novel Ghosts has a boating party shipwrecked on an unnamed island; one character, Sophie, speculates that it is Aeaea; another says, "Yes...yes, Aeaea: you will feel at home, no doubt", a reference to Sophie's Circean nature.

Amy Foster

According to Zdzisław Najder, "Amy Foster" was inspired partly by an anecdote in Ford Madox Ford's The Cinque Ports (1900), wherein a shipwrecked sailor from a German merchant ship, unable to communicate in English, and driven away by the local country people, finally found shelter in a pigsty.

Anthony W. Gardiner

The British made a formal show of force at Monrovia in a mission led by Sir Arthur Havelock; meanwhile, the looting of a German vessel along the Kru Coast and personal indignities inflicted by the natives upon the shipwrecked Germans, led to the bombardment of Nana Kru by a German warship and the presentation at Monrovia of a claim for damages, payment of which was forced by the threat of the bombardment of the capital.

Big Calm

The song "The Sea" was used as the theme tune for the UK reality TV show Shipwrecked, featured in a set of advertisements for TDT TV, and is featured in the new Thomas Cook adverts starring Jamie and Louise Redknapp.

Black Ships

A TV miniseries starring Richard Chamberlain entitled Shōgun (1980) was based on a novel of the same name by James Clavell, described the fictional experiences of an English sea pilot named John Blackthorne, shipwrecked in Japan around 1600.

Candlemas Island

Candlemas Island is the setting of a novel by Ian Cameron, The White Ship (1975), which tells of a disastrous expedition to the island in 1975 where members of the expedition must contend with ghosts of Spaniards shipwrecked on the island in 1818.


João Ramalho was either a degredado or a shipwrecked sailor (uncertain which), who was left in southern Brazil c.

Ernst Merck

Merck was also the cavalry chief of the Hamburg Citizen Militia, founder of the Zoological Garden in Hamburg, and initiator of an association to rescue shipwrecked persons.

Frankenstein Island

When a hot air balloon crashes on a remote and uncharted island, the four balloonists and their dog Melvin are captured by a pair of drunken old pirates who take them to the hilltop laboratory home of Dr. Frankenstein's modern-day descendant Sheila Frankenstein (Katherine Victor) who is carrying on the family tradition by turning shipwrecked sailors into pre-programmed bloodless, black-garbed zombies who must wear sunglasses to protect their weird white eyes from light.

Gambling ship

On New Year's Day 1937, during the Great Depression, the gambling ship SS Monte Carlo, known for "drinks, dice, and dolls," was shipwrecked on the beach about a quarter mile south of the Hotel del Coronado, near San Diego.

Hálfdanar saga Brönufóstra

During a sea-voyage he is dragged off course by the witchcraft of a troll named Jarnnef (Iron-Nose) and shipwrecked on the shore of Helluland.

Hartog Plate

After being shipwrecked in the Falkland Islands the plate and other materials from the Uranie voyage were later transferred to another ship and taken to France, where it was presented to the Académie française in Paris.


During World War II, Holmrook Hall was requisitioned by the Admiralty on behalf of the Royal Navy, with locals told that its was a rest home for shipwrecked and distressed sailors.

Jean Laborde

Laborde was shipwrecked on the island of Madagascar at the age of 26 and soon after was granted large tracts of land and unlimited labor to provide armaments for the Merina army.

John Keast Lord

Lordis said to have made a whaling voyage and been shipwrecked, and to have been for some years a trapper in Minnesota and the Hudson's Bay fur countries.

King's Medal for Courage in the Cause of Freedom

Petrus Wijtse Winkel (1909-2012), Dutch colonial administrator who rescued shipwrecked Britons and allowed them to escape the Japanese invaders by giving them his boat.

Miskito Coast Creole

African slaves were shipwrecked on the Mosquito Coast as early as 1640 and interaction between them and the local Miskito population commenced.

Mount Drygalski

The feature appears to have been roughly charted on an 1882 sketch map compiled by Ensign Washington Irving Chambers aboard the USS Marion during the rescue of the shipwrecked crew of the American sealing bark Trinity.

North Stradbroke Island

Three shipwrecked sailors, Thomas Pamphlett, John Finnegan and Richard Parsons, spent time on Stradbroke Island after they were washed ashore in 1823.

Osman Mahamuud

Due to consistent ship crashes along the northeastern Cape Guardafui headland, Boqor Osman's kingdom entered into an informal agreement with Britain, wherein the British agreed to pay the King annual subsidies to protect shipwrecked British crews and guard wrecks against plunder.

Paget Marsh Nature Reserve

The discovery of the marsh is credited to Sir George Somers and his crew from England on their voyage which was shipwrecked between two reefs just off the coast of Bermuda in 1609.

Paiwan people

In 1871, an Okinawan vessel shipwrecked on the southern tip of Taiwan, and the crew of fifty-four were beheaded by the Paiwan aborigines.

Parke's Castle

It was in this tower house that Francisco de Cuellar, the shipwrecked Armada officer, was entertained by Brian O'Rourke.

Paul Güssfeldt

The expedition sailed to the coast of the Kingdom of Loango, but was shipwrecked near Freetown on January 14, 1873, and lost all its stores and equipment.

Rover incident

Then, with the aid of William A. Pickering and James Horn, Le Gendre negotiated an effective treaty guaranteeing the safety of shipwrecked American and European sailors with Tauketok (南岬之盟), the chief of 18 aboriginal tribes in the area when the Rover had gone ashore.

The Man of Law's Tale

Her adventures and trials continue after she is shipwrecked on the Northumberland coast.

Thuwaini bin Said, Sultan of Muscat and Oman

William Gifford Palgrave relates how, when they were shipwrecked in March 1863 on Sowadah Island off Oman, they were very well received and treated by Thuwaini.

Tony Hussein Hinde

Hinde and fellow Australian surfer Mark Scanlon were shipwrecked on the North Malé atoll in the Maldives aboard the Whitewings, a ketch in which they had been hired as crewmembers.

Ulrich von Hutten

In 1508, 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica reports him a shipwrecked beggar on the Pomeranian coast, while the New International Encyclopedia describes him as stricken down with the pestilence and recovering.

William A. Newell

He is probably best known for, and was most proud of, the Newell Act, which created the United States Life-Saving Service (a Federal agency that grew out of private and local humanitarian efforts to save the lives of shipwrecked mariners and passengers; which ultimately merged with the Revenue Cutter Service to form the United States Coast Guard in 1915).

William Capps

He traveled to the Colony of Virginia aboard the Sea Venture and was apparently among those shipwrecked in Bermuda for several months before reaching the New World.

William Hovell

In June 1816, while in command of The Brothers he was shipwrecked in the Kent Group, Bass Strait, and along with his crew of eight survived for 10 weeks on the wheat from their cargo that was washed up, before being rescued by the Spring.

William Mein Smith

He was thus an early visitor to what is now Christchurch, Akaroa, Port Chalmers and Bluff, but was shipwrecked in the course of the return trip.


In 2002, a DNA investigation into the hypothesis of a variegate porphyria mutation having been introduced into the aboriginal population by shipwrecked sailors was undertaken at the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre in Nedlands, Western Australia and the Stellenbosch University in South Africa.

see also