
unusual facts about slave labor

1952 in Israel

According to the Agreement, West Germany was to pay Israel for the slave labor and persecution of Jews during the Holocaust, and to compensate for Jewish property that was stolen by the Nazis.

Espeland concentration camp

It was largely built by slave labor from the other concentration camp near Bergen, Ulven concentration camp.


The network allowed agriculture to flourish, but used a system of slave labor to keep it maintained.

Heinkel He 162

The main structure of the Volksjäger competing airframe designs would use cheap and unsophisticated parts made of wood and other non-strategic materials and, more importantly, could be assembled by semi- and non-skilled labor, including slave labor.

Krupp Trial

In the Krupp Trial, twelve former directors of the Krupp Group were accused of having enabled the armament of the German military forces and thus having actively participated in the Nazis' preparations for an aggressive war, and also for having used slave laborers in their companies.


During German occupation of Poland, the Nazis set up a stone quarry in Rotki for the purpose of slave labor by the Polish Jews from the Łomża Ghetto.

see also

Action girl

Action Girl Comics, a comic book edited by Sarah Dyer and published by Slave Labor Graphics.

Cipriano Barata

Barata gained experience with slave labor as a farmer of cane sugar in the town of Abrantes (current Camaçari).

Shin Dong-hyuk

Shin Dong-hyuk was born in Kaechon internment camp ("Camp #14"), a slave labor camp where prisoners usually stay for life and die by age 45.

Sok Sreymom

Her life story transitions from slave labor for three and a half years at age five in the fields to top movie star and traveling internationally with King Norodom Sihanouk's entourage then moving to the US.

Steve Ahlquist

He is also the co-creator (along with Chris Reilly) of Strange Eggs, an anthology published by SLG Publishing, formerly Slave Labor Graphics.

Trevor Loudon

The group most notably advocated a ban on the importing of Soviet Nova and Lada cars on the grounds that they had been built through slave labor.

Vaihingen an der Enz concentration camp

Vaihingen an der Enz (officially named Wiesengrund) concentration camp, near the city of Vaihingen an der Enz in the Neckar region of Germany, was a slave labor camp for armament manufacturing built by the Todt organization.