fungus | Fungus | Fungus Amongus | rust (fungus) | Cryptococcus (fungus) | Wood-decay fungus | Green peach aphid that has been killed by the fungus ''Pandora neoaphidis | Cloud ear fungus | The fungus forms ectomycorrhiza-like structures with the sedge ''Carex flacca | Smut (fungus) | Poria (fungus) | Fungus the Bogeyman | Fungus Rock | Fungus gnat |
Entyloma ageratinae, commonly known as the mist flower smut, is a leaf smut fungus and plant pathogen, originally from Jamaica, that is widely employed as a biological herbicide in the control of the invasive plant Ageratina riparia.
This plant is sometimes infected with the smut fungus Microbotryum violaceum (Microbotyrum stellariae), which causes its anthers to turn red.