
unusual facts about social capital

Social capital

In international development, Ben Fine and John Harriss have been heavily critical of the inappropriate adoption of social capital as a supposed panacea (promoting civil society organisations and NGOs, for example, as agents of development) for the inequalities generated by neo liberal economic development.


Urban lifeways (trading on relationships or information, manufacturing which requires infrastructural capital at hand, etc.) are studied by urban economics but are also technically lifeways in the same sense as that of the hunter-gatherer and farmer.

see also

Base CRM

Base has received a total venture capital funding of US$7.9 million from several investors including Index Ventures, The Social+Capital Partnership, OCA Ventures, and I2A.

Geno Baroni

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of his death, Baroni disciple Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-MD, noted: "If Geno were alive today, he would be asking us to develop not only economic capital, but social capital -- values and virtues such as trustworthiness, respect, responsibility."

Internet influences on communities

Robert D. Putnam (2000) suggested a social capital concepts of bonding and bridging.