
unusual facts about social democrats

Social Democrats, USA

SDUSA members stated concerns about an exaggerated role of "middle-class" peace activists in the Democratic Party, particularly associated with the "New Politics" of Senator George McGovern, whose Presidential candidacy was viewed as an ongoing disaster for the Democratic Party and for the USA.

Anke Spoorendonk

After the 2012 election, she was appointed minister for Justice, Culture and European Affairs in the newly formed coalition government called Danish traffic light coalition which consists of the Social Democrats, the Green Party and the SSW.


Many foreign lecturers also visit the college from time to time, starting with the early example of Willy Brandt who lectured on 1 December 1940 about the problems experienced by the social democrats in Nazi Germany and the occupied countries at the start of World War II.

Danish general election, 2005

Marianne Jelved (leader of the Danish Social Liberal Party), Connie Hedegaard (Minister of the Environment), Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil (front figure of Enhedslisten) and Helle Thorning-Schmidt (later elected as leader of Social Democrats) are other important woman in the parliament.

Finnish parliamentary election, 1922

The Social Democrats, led by Väinö Tanner, had committed themselves to the peaceful and democratic pursuit of socialist reform goals.

Finnish parliamentary election, 1936

Kyösti Kallio of the Agrarian League formed a centrist minority government after Pehr Evind Svinhufvud (National Coalition Party) refused to allow the Social Democrats to join the government.

Friedrich Schorlemmer

Schorlemmer joined the East German Social Democrats in the beginning of 1989.

Fritz Schramma

In a runoff vote, he won election on 17 September 2000 against Anke Brunn (Social Democrats), who was nominated by her party only a short time ahead of the vote.


Most of the inmates were Communists, Social Democrats and other political opponents of Nazism, Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, Romani, homosexual men and others whom the regime wanted to lock up.

Høgni Hoydal

He was re-elected in 2005 and re-elected again in 2007; but in the 2011 election lost the party's only Folketing seat to the Social Democrats' Sjúrður Skaale.

Jan O. Karlsson

Following the election in 1982 when the Social Democrats returned to power he was made state secretary at the Ministry of Finance.

Kati Wilhelm

In 2004, Wilhelm was a delegate to the Federal Convention for the Social Democrats.

Kemna concentration camp

Those imprisoned were primarily those swept up in mass arrests of political opponents from the Communist Party (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands, KPD) and the Social Democrats (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, SPD) from the Bergisches Land, also certain unaligned Christians, and unionists.

Kiruna Party

It was founded in 1994 as a splinter group of the local branch of the Social Democrats and was led by Lars Törnman from 1994 until 2010, when Törnman left the party for the Social Democrats.

Left–right politics

The contemporary Left in the United States is usually understood as a category including New Deal liberals, Rawlsian liberals, social democrats and civil libertarians, and is generally identified with the Democratic Party.

Recognition of same-sex unions in Austria

The Greens, the Social Democrats (SPÖ), and the NEOS support same-sex marriage.

Robert Zollitsch

His election was welcomed by many German figures and groups, including Chancellor Angela Merkel, Lutherans, Social Democrats, and Christian Democrats.

see also

Bodo Hombach

Indicative of this policy was the 'Schröder-Blair Paper' published under the title 'The way ahead for Europe's Social Democrats' and written by Bodo Hombach and his British colleague, today's EU Trade Commissioner, Peter Mandelson.


Many famous social democrats from other countries have visited Bommersvik through the years, including Shimon Peres, Neil Kinnock, Willy Brandt, Trygve Bratteli, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, Kalevi Sorsa, Mário Soares, François Mitterrand and Bruno Kreisky.

Clann na Poblachta

It attracted a diverse range of people from traditional Republicans such as Noel Hartnett and social democrats such as Dr. Noel Browne, who had been attracted to the party due to its commitment to fight Tuberculosis and Peadar Cowan, a former Labour Party executive member who had resigned in disgust due to the infighting within the Labour Party at the time.

Democratic Socialist Federation

Changing the name of the Socialist Party to "Social Democrats USA" was intended to be "realistic." The New York Times observed that the Socialist Party had last sponsored a candidate for President in 1956, who received only 2,121 votes, which were cast in only 6 states.

Emil Fey

He immediately had all conventions of the Social Democrats, the Communists and the Austrian Nazis banned.

Finnish parliamentary election, 1933

However, Prime Minister Toivo Mikael Kivimäki of the National Progressive Party continued in office after the elections, supported by Pehr Evind Svinhufvud and quietly by most Agrarians and Social Democrats.

Hermann Stehr

During the founding of the Weimar Republic, Stehr appeared as an election speaker for his friend Walther Rathenau, a candidate for the Social Democrats.

Horst Sindermann

After 1946 he was a member of the Socialist Unity Party (SED), created from a forced merger of Communists and Social Democrats in the Soviet Occupation Zone.

Ilia Chavchavadze

As the number of supporters for his ideas grew, so did opposition among the leading Social Democrats like the Menshevik Noe Zhordania; their main aims were focused on battling the Tsarist autocracy and a democratic transformation of the Russian empire.

Internationalist–defencist schism

This included many former Internationalists, German Independent Social-Democrats like Rudolf Hilferding, Austro-Marxists like Max and Friedrich Adler, Mensheviks like Dan, centre-left SRs like Chernov and the Left SRs.

Jiří Šlégr

Although the Social Democrats won the elections, they found themselves isolated and a right-wing government led by Petr Nečas was formed instead, forcing the Social Democratic Chairman, Jiří Paroubek, to resign.


Viggo Kampmann (1910–1976), the leader of the Danish Social Democrats and Prime Minister of Denmark 1960–1962

Milorad Pupovac

He was one of the leading members of the Association for Yugoslav Democratic Initiative, and after that he was the leader of the League of Social Democrats and head of the Social Democrat Alliance of Croatia - Social Democrat Alliance of Yugoslavia.

Norra Bantorget

Norra Bantorget is a traditional gathering spot for demonstrations, such as the ones arranged by the Social Democrats on May Day.

Otto Suhr

He had to cope with the forceful SED merger of Social Democrats and Communists in the Soviet occupation zone and East Berlin, the Berlin Blockade and the final division of the city, when the assembly was compelled to move into the Rathaus Schöneberg in the American sector.

Poul Nyrup Rasmussen

The loss of power in the 2001 election to Anders Fogh Rasmussen's Venstre meant that the Social Democrats lost their position as the largest party in the Folketing, a position they had held without interruption since the Danish Folketing election in 1924.

Prostitution in Germany

Alice Schwarzer and her branch of sex-negative feminism rejects all prostitution as inherently oppressive and abusive; they favor a law like that in Sweden, where in 1999 after heavy feminist lobbying a coalition of Social Democrats, Greens and leftists outlawed the buying but not the selling of sexual services.

Saxony-Anhalt state election, 2011

On April 19, 2011, Reiner Haseloff was elected the new Minister-President of Saxony-Anhalt and he continues the Grand coalition with the Social Democrats.

Social Democratic Party in the GDR

On 12 April, Christian Democrat Lothar de Maizière formed a cabinet including six Social Democrats, among them Markus Meckel (foreign affairs), Regine Hildebrandt (social issues) and Walter Romberg (finance).

Swedish general election, 1968

This was due to the Social Democrats' absolute majority in the First chamber and a steady majority for them in general elections and also at large in municipality and county council elections, of which the latter gave them the majority in the First chamber.

Swedish general election, 2006, computer infringement affair

March 15 2006 - Niki Westerberg, press secretary of the Liberal Party, informs party secretary Johan Jakobsson that she thinks Per Jodenius has access to the Social Democrats' intranet.

Tage Erlander

Resigning after the Swedish general election, 1968, his seventh and most successful election in which the Social Democrats surpassed all four opposition parties in terms of seats, Erlander was succeeded, in the midst of constitutional reforms, by his long-time protégé and friend Olof Palme.

Retaining the positions of the Social Democrats from a potent Liberal opposition under Bertil Ohlin in his first election, he later formed a coalition with the Centre Party, at the time the Peasants' League between 1951 and 1957.

Union of Russian Social-Democrats Abroad

Union of Russian Social-Democrats Abroad was an organization of exiled Russian socialists, set up in Geneva in 1894 on the initiative of the Emancipation of Labour group.


14 seats in the local parliament are held by the CDU (Christian Democratic Union), 7 are held by the BI (local citizens' initiative), 4 by the SPD (Social Democrats) and one each by the FDP (Free Liberals) and the Greens.

Water supply and sanitation in Germany

In reaction to the liberalization debate the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) passed a decision sponsored by the Green party and the Social-democrats (SPD) on sustainable water supply and sanitation (nachhaltige Wasserwirtschaft) in 2001.

William D. Connor

He was elected Lieutenant Governor in 1906, receiving 174,750 votes against 104,398 for Michael F. Blenski (Democratic), 25,036 for William Kaufmann (Social Democrats), 8,724 for August F. Fehlandt (Progressive) and 510 for John Veirthaler (Socialist Labor).