
unusual facts about social housing

The Groves

The Groves area is inhabited by a mixture of students of York St John University, privately owned properties, privately rented properties and council tenants.

Wood Farm, Oxfordshire

It largely consists of social housing built in the 1950s and 1960s, originally intended to house workers from the nearby car factory.

see also

Accumulation by dispossession

Margaret Thatcher's program for the privatization of social housing in Britain was initially seen as beneficial for the lower classes which could now move from rental to ownership at a relatively low cost, gain control over assets and increase their wealth.

Kerry and Lindsay Clare

Following the inclusion of the McWilliam residence in the Venice Biennale 1991 their Cotton Tree social housing project was selected worldwide for inclusion in the 'Ten Shades of Green' exhibition in New York; an exhibition demonstrating architectural excellence and environmental sensitivity organised by the Architectural League of New York.


In the late 1960s, Cardiff Council decided to create low cost social housing in Llanederyn, with an estimated 3,500 homes to be erected for 12,000 less well off people (2000 homes owned by the city council and 1500 private homes).

Mark Field

He has run local campaigns on business rates, St Bartholomew's Hospital, assisting the creative industries, the control of rickshaws in the West End, social housing rent rises, the independence of the City of London Police and in July 2011 successfully argued in Parliament for the Department of Culture, Media and Sport's continuing control of the Royal Parks.

Redcar and Cleveland

Coast and Country is the largest social housing provider within Redcar and Cleveland.

Robin Hood Gardens

It was intended as an example of the 'streets in the sky' concept: social housing characterised by broad aerial walkways in long concrete blocks, much like the Park Hill estate in Sheffield; it was both informed by, and a reaction against, Le Corbusier's Unité d'Habitation.

Simcoe County

The cities of Barrie and Orillia, although separate politically and administratively from the County, are geographically and economically part of the County and send elected representatives to serve on County committees which provide services to the residents of the cities, including paramedic services, long term care facilities, social services, social housing, archives and Museum.

South Quay Estate

Whilst reflecting their origin at the end of the modernist architectural period, the use of brick is in strong contrast to the concrete of high-rise, Brutalist architecture that typified social housing in post-war Britain, coupled with a wood-cladding effect popular in the late '60s and '70s.