Cocoa solids | Total dissolved solids | total dissolved solids |
In the CFD-DEM, the motion of discrete solids or particles phase is obtained by the Discrete Element Method (DEM) which applies Newton's laws of motion to every particle, while the flow of continuum fluid is described by the local averaged Navier–Stokes equations that can be solved using the traditional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach.
The Codex Alimentarius, which provides an international set of standards for food, states that the flavor in chocolate ice cream must come from nonfat cocoa solids that must comprise at least 2.0-2.5% of the mix weight.
The US Code of Federal Regulations "permits reductions in the content of milk fat and total milk solids by a factor of 2.5 times the weight of the cocoa solids", in order to take into account the use of additional sweeteners.
Chocolate liquor is pressed to separate the cocoa butter from the cocoa solids.
Vollhardt is one of the founders of the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT) for strongly correlated electronic solids such as transition metals (e.g. iron or vanadium) and their oxides, i.e. materials with electrons in open d- and f-shells.
Due to the excellent EC removal of suspended solids and the simplicity of the EC operation, tests conducted for the U.S. Office of Naval Research concluded that the most promising application of EC in a membrane system was found to be as pretreatment to a multi-membrane system of UF/RO or microfiltration/reverse osmosis (MF/RO).
Because the Heisenberg Hamiltonian presumes the electrons involved in the exchange coupling are localized in the context of the Heitler–London, or valence bond (VB), theory of chemical bonding, it is an adequate model for explaining the magnetic properties of electrically insulating narrow-band ionic and covalent non-molecular solids where this picture of the bonding is reasonable.
Golf Course construction utilizing SeaDwarf Grass, one of the most salt tolerant grasses with the ability to withstand ongoing irrigation having salinity levels in excess of 20 parts per thousand total dissolved solids (TDS) (equivalent to 55% of marine salinity).
Ultrasonic level sensors are used for non-contact level sensing of highly viscous liquids, as well as bulk solids.
Received the USSR State Prize (Russian: Госуда́рственная пре́мия СССР) in 1986 together with Rein Avarmaa, Anšel Gorohhovski, Roman Personov, Boris Harlamov, Jevgeni Alšits, Ljudmila Bõkovskaja, Vladimir Maslov, Jaak Kikas and Konstantin Solovjov for the cycle of articles "High-spectral-resolution spectroscopy and for the persistent spectral hole-burning of molecules and solids" (Russian: Авармаа, Рейн Арнольдович, зав.
Chopper pumps, pump with cutting system to facilitate chopping/maceration of solids
As there are exactly five Platonic solids, Kepler's hypothesis could only accommodate six planetary orbits and was disproved by the subsequent discovery of Uranus.
He is best known for the Keating Model of interatomic forces in tetrahedrally-coordinated solids (P.
Fulde has made numerous contributions to Condensed matter physics including superconductivity and correlated electrons in molecules and solids.
When these solids were all discovered and by whom is not known, but Theaetetus, (an Athenian), was the first to give a mathematical description of all five (Van der Waerden, 1954), (Euclid, book XIII).
Roger Arthur Cowley, FRS, FRSE, FInstPhys (born 24 February 1939) is an English physicist who has specialised in the excitations of solids.
In addition, particulate solids can be prevented from being captured by surface charge repulsion if the surface charge of the sand is of the same sign (positive or negative) as that of the particulate solid.
The Saturn INT-19 also used SRBs to supplement the power of the S-II, however it used smaller solids, derived from the first stage of the Minuteman missile.
In solids, especially in metals and semiconductors, the electrostatic screening or screening effect reduces the electrostatic field and Coulomb potential of an ion inside the solid.
Effluent sewer, also called a solids-free sewer system (SFSS), a sewer system that treats waste in septic tanks before pumping the effluent to a central plant
The parameters determined before selecting an appropriate slurry pump include capacity, head, solids handling capacity, efficiency and power, speed and NPSH.
It is named after Charles Proteus Steinmetz, though these solids were known long before Steinmetz studied them.
Highly anisotropic solids like graphite (quasi-2D) and Bechgaard salts (quasi-1D) show anomalies in spectroscopic measurements that are attributable to the Van Hove singularities.
He is remembered today for the Becker–Döring theory of nucleation of liquid droplets in solids (in condensed matter physics), and for the Zel'dovich–von Neumann–Döring detonation model (in explosives engineering).