
unusual facts about sound collage

David Brom

When their 1987 album, Escape From Noise, proved to be more successful than they expected, Negativland, a sound collage band, canceled the tour they were expected to do and released a fake press release stating the band would be placed in house arrest until investigations concluded as to whether the track "Christianity Is Stupid" was implicated in Brom's murders.

If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do?

The movie is perhaps best known for having been sampled by the sound collage band Negativland and by featuring a musical number which was used in Ed Wood's 1954 film Jail Bait.

It's All in Your Head FM: Over the Edge Live on Stage

It's All in Your Head FM: Over the Edge Live on Stage is a 2006 album by the sound collage band Negativland.

see also

Bart Dickon

The roots of collage comic-strip can be found in the sound-collage experiments of Ron Geesin, the animations of Monty Python era Terry Gilliam, the surrealist novels of Max Ernst (Une Semaine de Bonté and 'La femme de 100 têtes), the agit-prop visuals of the Situationists and the satires of Biff.