
unusual facts about special relativity

Harald Nordenson

His book, Relativity, Time and Reality, is a controversial critique of Albert Einstein's concepts of time and simultaneity in Special Relativity.


After Albert Einstein's special relativity, length can no longer be thought of being constant in all reference frames.

Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences

However, it is typical for the Biology course to be in HIV/AIDS Biotechnology, the Chemistry course to be in Organic Chemistry, the Mathematics Course on Discrete Mathematics and the Physics course typically covers concepts in Modern Physics, often focusing on Special Relativity.

Samuel Tolver Preston

However, Preston's thoughts were entirely based on classical, non-relativistic physics and cannot be compared with Albert Einstein's mass–energy equivalence, which is a consequence of special relativity.

see also

Lorentz invariance in loop quantum gravity

Giovanni Amelino-Camelia then proposed that the mystery of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays might be solved by assuming such violations of the special-relativity dispersion relation for photons.

Michelson-Morley Memorial Fountain

This experiment proved the non-existence of the luminiferous ether and was later cited as circumstantial evidence in support of special relativity as proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905.

Michelson–Gale–Pearson experiment

It's also possible to define rotating frames in special relativity (Born coordinates), yet in those frames the speed of light is not constant in extended areas any more, thus also in this view a positive result must occur.