Speech from the throne, delivered by a monarch (or representative) outlining his government's agenda
The King's Speech | freedom of speech | Central School of Speech and Drama | Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne | hate speech | Watch the Throne | Checkers speech | Throne of God | The King’s Speech | speech from the throne | Speech act | Freedom of speech | Chrysanthemum Throne | Blood Red Throne | Time-compressed speech | Throne of Atlantis | Quarterly Journal of Speech | Microsoft text-to-speech voices | Marburg speech | King's Speech | English claims to the French throne | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | Wolves in the Throne Room | The Throne of Saturn (novel) | ''The Throne of Saturn'' (novel) | The speech was made at Quai d'Orsay | The Phoenix Throne | ''The Four and Twenty Elders Casting their Crowns before the Divine Throne'', c. 1803–5. William Blake | Stump speech (politics) | Speech Synthesis Markup Language |
French was made an official language in 1877 by the appointed government, after lengthy and bitter debate resulting from a speech from the throne in 1888 by Lt. Governor Joseph Royal.
The Parliament emulated some of the more bizarre traditions, such as giving a First Reading to the Outlawries Bill immediately after the speech from the throne as a token gesture of defiance of Royal authority.
During the prorogation George III became deranged, posing a threat to his own life, and when Parliament reconvened in November the King could not deliver the customary Speech from the Throne during the State Opening of Parliament.
He refused to renew his commission with the Colonial Service after being forced to read the controversial 1963 speech from the throne prepared by Sir Roy Welensky who was highly critical of Prime Minister Harold Macmillan's policies to gradually end White rule in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.