
unusual facts about star atlas

A Celestial Atlas

A Celestial Atlas, full title: A Celestial Atlas: Comprising A Systematic Display of the Heavens in a Series of Thirty Maps Illustrated by Scientific Description of their Contents, And accompanied by Catalogues of the Stars and Astronomical Exercises is a star atlas by British author Alexander Jamieson, published in 1822.

History of the constellations

Twelve were observed by Dutch navigators Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman in the end of sixteenth century and depicted by Johann Bayer in his star atlas Uranometria of 1603.

Julius Schiller

Julius Schiller (c. 1580 – 1627) was a lawyer from Augsburg, Germany, who like his fellow citizen and colleague Johann Bayer published a star atlas in celestial cartography.

Sigma Hydrae

It is also known by the proper name Minchir, and appears as Minchir es-schudscha' on Bode's large star atlas, Uranographia, which is derived from the Arabic Minkhir al-Shuja‘, "the Nostril of Hydra", for this star.

see also

Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser

Johann Bayer copied the southern constellations from a Plancius/Hondius globe in his 1603 Uranometria star atlas, crediting charting to a "Petrus Theodori", but not acknowledging their earlier publication, and is therefore often mistakenly credited for introducing them.