
unusual facts about steppe

Abu'l-Khayr Khan

Abu'l-Khayr's army pulled back to the steppe, where they defeated two opposing khans near Astrakhan.

Agdistis dahurica

It is found in the southern steppe regions of the Chita Oblast in Russia.


The city actually lies on the border between steppe and the North China Plain, and as such, it has a four-season, monsoon-influenced climate, classified as a semi-arid climate (Köppen BSk).

Asian Openbill

Young birds at the nest are sometimes preyed on by Imperial, Steppe and Greater Spotted Eagles.

Bahia de las Aguilas

323 km from Santo Domingo and approximately 25 km from Pedernales (the nearest town) this beach is a true oasis in the middle of the deserted steppe of the park.

Bayanaul National Park

Although a continental climate is characteristic for the area, Bayanaul does not usually experience the strong winds and dust storms common in the steppe regions of Pavlodar Province.

Blue-eyed Darner

The Blue-eyed Darner is a common dragonfly of the western United States commonly sighted in the sagebrush steppe of the Snake River Plain, occurring east to the Midwest from central Canada and the Dakotas south to west Texas and Oklahoma.

Dark Lands

In many respects this is based upon the successive real world invasions of Europe by mobile eastern groups from the steppe land, such as the Huns and Alans.


In 1802, Tsar Alexander I encouraged resettlement of religious minorities to the so-called 'Milky Waters" (Molochnye Vody): the region of Molochnaya River (around Melitopol in today's southern Ukraine). This was motivated by the desire both to quickly populate the rich steppe lands on the north shore of the Black and Azov Seas, and to prevent the "heretics" from contaminating the population of the heartland with their ideas.

Dreams of My Russian Summers

The book opens with the narrator leafing through photographs of relatives he doesn't know in his grandmother’s house in Saranza, a Russian town on the border of the steppe.

Dryland farming

Dryland farming is used in the Great Plains, the Palouse plateau of Eastern Washington, and other arid regions of North America such as in the Southwestern United States and Mexico (see Agriculture in the Southwestern United States and Agriculture in the prehistoric Southwest), the Middle East and in other grain growing regions such as the steppes of Eurasia and Argentina.

Early history of Tajikistan

Before the Soviet era, which began in Central Asia in the early 1920s, the area designated today as the Republic of Tajikistan underwent a series of population changes that brought with them political and cultural influences from the Turkic and Mongol peoples of the Eurasian steppe, China, Iran, Russia, and other contiguous regions.


It consists of only one species, Epimydia dialampra Staudinger, 1892, which can be found in mountainous steppe areas in South Siberia, East Yakutia and Northern Mongolia.

Esther Hautzig

Hautzig reportedly wrote The Endless Steppe at the prompting of Presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson, to whom she had written after reading his articles about his visit to Rubtsovsk.

Harry Steppe

Pulmonary edema contributed to Steppe's death, according to his death certificate.

Kalamaili Nature Reserve

Founded in 1982, Kalamaili Nature Reserve (KNR, Kalamaili means Black Mountain in Kazakh, simplified Chinese: 卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区) is a nature reserve in Xinjiang Autonomous Region of China, targeting in preserving the wildlife and natural vegetations in the arid steppe ecosystem.

Kharkhorin Rock

Kharkhorin Rock, also Kharkarin Rock or Phallic Rock, is a large statue of a penis raised on a platform on the steppe, located near Erdene Zuu Monastery (part of the World Heritage Site entitled Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape) in Kharkhorin, Övörkhangai Province of Mongolia.

Khövsgöl Nuur

The Lake area is a National Park bigger than Yellowstone and strictly protected as a transition zone between Central Asian Steppe and the Siberian Taiga.

Khustain Nuruu National Park

The HNP extends through the Khentii Mountains and includes the western edge of the Mongolian steppe at the boundaries of Altanbulag, Argalant and Bayankhangai Soums of Tov province.

Middle Dnieper culture

It has been argued that the area where the Middle Dnieper culture is situated would have provided a better migration route for steppe tribes along the Pripyat tributary of the Dnieper and perhaps provided the cultural bridge between Yamna and Corded Ware cultures.

Monegros Desert

Highly endangered are Great and Little Bustards, Eurasian Stone-curlew, Lesser Kestrel, Montagu's Harrier and Dupont's Lark, as these species are directly threatened by changes in the steppe ecosystem.

Mongolia during the Manchu Qing rule

At the same time, as the ruling Manchus had become increasingly sinicized and population pressure in China proper emerged, the dynasty began to abandon its earlier attempts to block Han Chinese trade penetration and settlement in the steppe.

Mykhailo Hrushevskyi

Thus he claimed the ancient Ukrainian Steppe cultures from Scythia, through Kievan Rus' to the Cossacks as part of the Ukrainian heritage.

Naurzum Nature Reserve

In the shrub dominated parts, typical steppe shrubs are Russian almond (Amygdalus nana), cherry (Cerasus fruticosa), greenweed (Cytisus ruthenicus) (western distribution boundary), species of wild roses (Rosa) and juniper (Juniperus sabinea).

Omeljan Pritsak

In addition to the early Rus', Pritsak's works focused on Eurasian nomads and steppe empires such as those created by the Bulgars, Khazars, Pechenegs, and Kipchaks.

P. fruticosa

Prunus fruticosa, the European dwarf cherry, dwarf cherry, Mongolian cherry or steppe cherry, a shrub species

Pierre Marsone

In June 2012, Pierre Marsone received from the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres the Prix Stanislas Julien for his book La Steppe et l’Empire (Les Belles Lettres, 2011).

Posadas Lake

Towards its eastern end, open steppe shrubs prevail (Senecio spp, Schinus molle, Nassauvia ulicina) with Adesmia boronioides and scanty broom sedge (Andropogon argenteus).

Protectorate of the Western Regions

During the Han–Xiongnu War, the Chinese established a military seat at Wulei, north east of present-day Bugur with an aim to protect the Indo-European Tocharian statelets of the region and kept them away from the Xiongnu's aggression in the northeastern steppe.

Prunus fruticosa

His unfinished Flora Rossica, a description of all the plants in the Russian Empire, dedicates one page to Prunus fruticosa, a shrub found in campis Isetensibus, "in the plains of the Iset;" that is, the Siberian steppe.

Pryingulsky Park

The list of rare and threatened species being under protection of the State includes Southern Festoon (Zerynthia polyxena), Old World Swallowtail (Papilio machaon), Mammoth Wasp (Scolia maculata), Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa valga), Large Whip Snake (Coluber jugularis), Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus), Stoat or Ermine (Mustela erminea), Steppe Polecat (Mustela eversmanii) etc.

Rapa Nui National Park

In the steppe areas of the island, the vegetation consists mostly of species of Stipa and Nassella.

São Marcos da Ataboeira

The area of the parish belongs to the SPA - Special Protection Area, for endangered species of steppe birds such as the Great Bustard and Lesser Kestrel.

South American gray fox

The South American gray fox occurs in a variety of habitats, from the warm, arid scrublands of the Argentine Monte and the cold, arid Patagonian steppe to the forest of southernmost Chile.

Steppe mammoth

The most complete skeleton of a steppe mammoth yet found was discovered in 1996 in Kikinda, Serbia.

Tee Morris

Tee Morris, Chuck Tomasi, Evo Terra, Kreg Steppe, Podcasting for Dummies (2007), John Wiley & Sons ISBN 0-470-27557-X

Termit Massif Reserve

WWF has classified this reserve as part of the larger ecoregion of the South Saharan Steppe and Woodlands ecoregion that includes a strip of desert land which extends from central Mauritania, Mali, southwestern Algeria, Niger, Chad, and across Sudan to the Red Sea, and borders southern fringes of the Sahara Desert.


In the turkic provinces and the steppe nomad wandering one at a time, and belonging to the Turkic language and culture by examining carefully the material collected works of Mahmud of Kashgar.He concluded that Tuhs was the most honest and useful accent,


Asa, a recently discharged Russian Navy sailor, is living in the remote Kazakhstan steppe with his sister Samal, her older husband, Ondas, and their three children.


The veld definition may encompass different natural environments, both humid and dry, such as Coastal plain, Coastal prairie, Flooded grasslands and savannas, Grassland, Prairie, Savanna, Steppe, Meadow, Water-meadow, Flood-meadow, Wet meadow, as well as agricultural fields.


The two major Russian fortresses and garrisons in the region, Verny and Pishpek, were founded in 1854 on the sites of former Kokandian fortresses on the Steppe frontier.

see also