
unusual facts about still lifes

Hans Neleman

Neleman's personal work includes still lifes and assemblages, while his commercial work has included fashion and celebrity portraiture, as well as advertising campaigns for clients like Nike, American Express and Sony.

see also

Anne Estelle Rice

From the 1920s Rice painted still lifes, exhibiting at the Leicester Galleries and the Wildenstein Gallery in England.


Still life painting in Baroque Spain was often austere; it differed from the Flemish Baroque still lifes, which often contain both rich banquets surrounded by ornate and luxurious items with fabric or glass.

Edward Chalmers Leavitt

At one time, Leavitt's still lifes decorated Boston's esteemed Parker House hotel as well as the Narragansett Hotel in Providence.

Elizabeth Weiffenbach

Jeremiah Goodman (class of 1939), known simply as "Jeremiah", painter of interior still lifes of famous residences; and

Francisco Rodón

Known for his portraits of important local, regional and world figures, such as Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges, Puerto Rican patriarch Luis Muñoz Marín, Cuban dancer Alicia Alonso and Perú's Mario Vargas Llosa, Marta Traba he is also known for his landscapes and still lifes.

Gregoire Boonzaier

Gregoire Johannes Boonzaier (31 July 1909 Newlands, Cape Town - 22 April 2005 Onrus, near Hermanus) was a versatile and prolific South African painter of landscapes, portraits, still lifes, seascapes and figures in oil, watercolour, ink, wash, pencil and charcoal, and a large number of linocuts.

Jan Vonck

According to the RKD he was the son and pupil of his father Elias Vonck, and both were known for paintings of living birds in landscapes and hunting still lifes with dead poultry after the manner of Joannes Fijt, Jan Baptist Weenix, Alexander Adriaenssen, and Melchior Hondecoeter.

Juan Sánchez Cotán

He was a friend and perhaps pupil of Blas de Prado, an artist famous for his still lifes whose mannerist style with touches of realism, the disciple developed further.

Louis Maratier

In 1962 Maratier rejected the Abstract Expressionism which he had initially advocated and developed a more traditionally figurative, albeit minimalist, style specialising in the Monochrome still lifes for which he is now best known.

Miguel de la Espriella

The paintings for which he is best known are most often an integration of still lifes and landscapes with a strong "ethereal" presence related to the Latin American school of magic realism and reminiscent of the land in which Macondo, the imaginary town written about in "100 Years of Solitude" by García Márquez the winner of the 1982 Nobel Prize in Literature, could have been set.

Mikhail Turovsky

Among his well-known works are the cycle Holocaust, The End of an Utopia', many nudes, landscapes and still lifes; illustrations to the works of Ivan Franko, Vasyl Stefanyk, Aleksandr Blok, Sholom-Aleichem, Leon Feuchtwanger, Johannes Becher, and many other writers.

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

International artists are few in the collection, but there are works by Robert Delaunay, Yves Tanguy, Man Ray, Jacques Lipchitz, Lucio Fontana, Yves Klein, Max Ernst, Richard Serra, Bruce Nauman, Donald Judd, Damien Hirst, Julian Schnabel, Joseph Beuys, Nam June Paik, Wolf Vostell, Gabriel Orozco, Clyfford Still, cubist still lifes by Georges Braque and a large work by Francis Bacon.


Antonio de Pereda (1611–1678), Spanish Baroque-era painter, best known for his still lifes