
unusual facts about strategos


Constantine Kontomytes

As the governor (strategos) of the Thracesian Theme, Constantine Kontomytes inflicted a severe defeat on the Cretan Saracens in 841, when they raided the rich monastic community of Mount Latros.

David Wesely

The idea of a referee was derived from Strategos: The American Game of War (1880), by Charles Totten.

Leo Sarakenopoulos

Leo Sarakenopoulos first appears in 971, at the end of the Rus'–Byzantine War of 970–971, when he was appointed by Emperor John I Tzimiskes (r. 969–976) as military governor (strategos) of Dristra/Dorostolon (modern Silistra) on the Danube.

Scopas of Aetolia

He was a kinsman of Ariston, who at this time held the office of strategos in the Aetolian League, and the latter confided to him the chief conduct of affairs.

see also