Production of the machines was continued by Tallent, but that company was taken over by Ariston in the late 1970s, which then became Colston-Ariston.
He was a kinsman of Ariston, who at this time held the office of strategos in the Aetolian League, and the latter confided to him the chief conduct of affairs.
Vice Admiral Ariston V. Delos Reyes AFP (Ret.) (born February 16, 1950 in San Rafael, Bulacan) is a military officer in the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
Merloni hails from a family who founded the Merloni group and created the brand, Ariston, among the others.
More than 80 LP and CD recordings have been published by various labels including Angelicum, Ariston, Balkanton, BAM, Il Canale, CBS Italiana, Fonit Cetra, Hungaroton, Naxos, and Supraphon.
As producer he worked with Jazz Bigbox (Banksville Records), Even Vast (Black Lotus), Gabriel Delta (Banksville Records), McAllan (Ariston), Arcansiel (Musea), Roulette Cinese (Toast Records), Società Anonima Decostruzionismi Organici (Btf-Ams), Mhmm (Banksville), Sorella Maldestra (Banksville) and Terry Dene.
Circa 212 BC, Ariston’s discourse on morality included several proud Character types and mimicked the Theophrastan style.
Numerous recordings for CD labels include: Ariston-Ricordi, Curci (Du Dunkelheit by Giacomo Manzoni, dedicated to her), Edipan, Nuova Era (two monographic CDs on Giorgio Federico Ghedini and other two on Alfredo Casella and Franco Alfano), Stradivarius (three CDs La voce contemporanea in Italia - Voll. 1, 2, 3).