
unusual facts about subsidies


1977 Egyptian Bread Riots

Popular rejection of the announcement was not long in coming: On January 18 and 19, rioting by lower-class people who would have been hardest hit by the cancellation of the subsidies erupted across the country, from Aswan in upper Egypt to Alexandria.

Antonio Munguambe

and in exchange promised to provide fuel subsidies to licensed transport operators, so that they could in effect purchase diesel at the price prior to January 23 (31.0 meticais per litre, as opposed to 35.35 per litre).

Claude Brochu

He asked for subsidies from the Canadian and Quebec governments of the time, but when this attempt failed, he resigned in 1998 and sold his shares to New York businessman Jeffrey Loria.

Dairy Export Incentive Program

The total tonnage and dollar amounts of these and other export subsidies have been limited by the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture.

Doha Development Round

Starting in early 2004, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick pushed for the resumption of negotiations by offering a proposal that would focus on market access, including an elimination of agricultural export subsidies.

Energy Fair

In February 2011 and January 2012 the group, supported by other organisations and environmentalists, lodged formal complaints with the European Union's Directorate General for Competition, alleging that the Government was providing unlawful State aid in the form of subsidies for nuclear power industry, in breach of European Union competition law.

Energy in Finland

According to IEA country report the Finnish subsidies for peat undermine the goal to reduce CO2 emissions and counteracts other environmental policies and The European Union emissions trading scheme.

Eric Schansberg

In both races, Schansberg emphasized fiscal conservatism, bringing troops home from Iraq, reducing or eliminating payroll taxes, reforming Social Security, and eliminating subsidies for corporations and Planned Parenthood.

George Alexander Parks

To offset running deficits and reduced federal subsidies, rates for the Alaska Railroad were raised and a toll was implemented on the Richardson Highway.

Golden Cavalry of St George

The Golden Cavalry of St George was the colloquial name of subsidies paid out by the British government to other European states in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, through particularly during the Napoleonic Wars.

Haj subsidy

In 2008, the Supreme Court of India decided to permit the Haj subsidy to continue, citing the example of the subsidies (Rs200 per person) provided for pilgrims to Lake Manasarovar in Tibet.

Helen Zille

In addition to maintaining existing water and electricity subsidies, Zille also raised the subsidies on the indigent database, and ensured that electricity was supplied to informal settlements that Eskom refused to electrify, such as Happy Valley and Site B Khayelitsha.

History of Mexico

Nazi propagandist Arthur Dietrich and his team of agents in Mexico successfully manipulated editorials and coverage of Europe by paying hefty subsidies to Mexican newspapers, including the widely read dailies Excélsior and El Universal.

Icelandic political scandals

(2009) Subsidy scandal: In early April the Independence Party received a 55 million krónur subsidy from FL-group and Landsbanka Íslands the day before a 300.000 krónur ceiling was set for subsidies to political parties.

Interwar unemployment and poverty in the United Kingdom

The Special Areas Act of 1934 attempted to inject finance into depressed areas and British industry was protected by protectionist measures such as state subsidies and import quotas.The 1934 Unemployment Act Part I increased the numbers covered by unemployment insurance and the Special Areas Act 1934 increased support for those areas of Britain which were considered to be worst hit by the depression.

Iranian subsidy reform plan

Ahmad Tavakkoli, a parliamentarian, accused the government of “violating the law” and “mis-implementing” the plan because it earned 290,000bn rials ($23.6bn) from the cut in subsidies in the first 14 months of its implementation but paid people $36.7bn of compensation in return (he says).


They see Walmart as a symbol of corporate favoritism—supported by highway subsidies and eminent domain—view the fictive personhood of the limited-liability corporation with suspicion, and doubt that Third World sweatshops would be the "best alternative" in the absence of government manipulation.

Lewis Wallbridge

He supported representation by population and opposed government subsidies to the Grand Trunk Railway.

Maryland and Delaware Railroad

These branches were omitted from the system plan for Conrail in 1976 and would have been discontinued without state subsidies.

Meki Catholic School

The economical background of the society has kept the school dependent on subsidies from the Catholic Apostolic Vicariate of Meki.

Modern history of Saudi Arabia

Saudi forces did not participate in the Six-Day (Arab-Israeli) War of June 1967, but the government later provided annual subsidies to Egypt, Jordan, and Syria to support their economies.

Narvik Airport, Framnes

Minister of Transport Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa stated in 2010 that money saved on having to upgrade the runway safety area and the operating deficits of the airport and subsidies for the route could help finance the bridge, estimated to cost NOK 2.2 billion.

National Housing Act

Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965, part of President Lyndon B. Johnson's "Great Society" program, which provided a national system of rent subsidies in the United States

Norton Motorcycle Company

In 1974, the UK's outgoing Conservative government withdrew subsidies, but the incoming Labour government restored them after the General Election.

Osman Mahamuud

Due to consistent ship crashes along the northeastern Cape Guardafui headland, Boqor Osman's kingdom entered into an informal agreement with Britain, wherein the British agreed to pay the King annual subsidies to protect shipwrecked British crews and guard wrecks against plunder.

Pastor Obligado

He established a national mint under the auspices of the Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires, and subsidies for industry and commerce; on August 30, 1857, the recently established Buenos Aires Western Railway inaugurated its first line, designed by British engineer William Bragge.

Peat energy in Finland

(Hard coal, which is more harmful, is only used as an emergency back-up source for energy, and not in every year.) According to IEA the Finnish subsidies for peat in 2007-2010 undermined the goal to reduce CO2 emissions and counteracted other environmental policies and The European Union emissions trading scheme.

Precious Blood Secondary School

Therefore, Sisters of the Precious Blood rented a place in Wan Chai as a school and named it 德貞第二女子中學, which was dependent on government subsidies.

San Glorio

The issue has been raised before the European Parliament, with Euro-MP David Hammerstein requesting the European Commission to look into the funding of the project, claiming that the regional government receives EU funding because of the park's required protection as a most seriously threatened habitat, while at the same time applying for subsidies for the jobs at the projected ski resort and hotel complex.

SEPTA diesel service

As such, the Berks Area Regional Transportation Authority (BARTA) acted as a conduit for PennDOT subsidies for service beyond Pottstown to Reading.

Short Parliament

John Pym, MP for Tavistock, quickly emerged as a major figure in debate; his long speech on 17 April expressed the refusal of the House of Commons to vote subsidies unless royal abuses were addressed.

Tripoli Evangelical School

William Nelson was its first president, whose tremendous efforts raised subsidies for the establishment and the construction of the institute in Al Kibba, in Tripoli.

Tung Hsiang-lung

In early October 2013 during a legislative session, Tung said the VAC will stop issuing subsidies to ROC veterans that are found to hold PRC citizenship, citing the amendment to article 27 of the Act Governing the Relations Between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area that was passed in March 2004.

U.S. Coalition for Fair Lumber Imports

The U.S. Coalition for Fair Lumber Imports is a lobby group in the United States that has protested against alleged subsidies the Government of Canada has given members of its pulp and paper industry.

United States Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies

This subcommittee has jurisdiction over the Department of Agriculture discretionary spending (does not include the Food Stamp Program or farming subsidies that are mandatory spending), as well as food safety programs at the Food and Drug Administration and foreign agriculture assistance programs.

Universal Service Fund

This program, also known as E-Rate, provides subsidies for Internet access, telecommunications services, internal infrastructure and basic maintenance of internal connections to schools and libraries.

Wolf Dog

While not an artistic or commercial success, the film is noteworthy in that it was created almost 40 years before Telefilm Canada and federal government subsidies enabled big-name movies to be filmed in Canadian locales.

see also