
unusual facts about sultanate

Abolition of the Ottoman Sultanate

On November 1, 1922, the nationalist Grand National Assembly declared that the Sultanate's Constantinople government was no longer the legal Turkish government, appointing the nationalist body in Ankara to that place.

Adil Shahi dynasty

The Sultanate was thereafter relatively stable, although it was damaged by the revolt of Shivaji, whose father was Maratha commander in the service of Adil Shah.

Alberto Angela

Once out of university he started working in the research field participating in paleoanthropologic digs in various places in the world, among which Zaire, Ishango, Tanzania, Olduvai and Laetoli, Sultanate of the Oman, Mongolia, and the desert of the Gobi.


It was independent until 1886, when Sultan Said Ali bin Said Omar of Bambao made it a part of the unified Ngazidja Sultanate.

Battle of Tukaroi

The Battle of Tukaroi was fought on March 3, 1575 near the village of Tukaroi now in Balasore District between Midnapore and Jalesar, West Bengal between The Mughal Empire and the Sultanate of Bangala and Bihar.

Biodiversity of Borneo

Borneo island, made up of three countries which are Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak), Brunei (Sultanate) and Indonesia (Kalimantan), is the third largest island in the world.

Djibouti Armed Forces

During the protracted Ethiopian-Adal War (1529–1559), Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi defeated several Ethiopian Emperors and embarked on a conquest referred to as the Futuh Al-Habash ("Conquest of Abyssinia"), which brought three-quarters of Christian Abyssinia under the power of the Muslim Adal Sultanate.

George III of Georgia

With his ascent to the throne, Giorgi III launched a successful campaign against the Seljuk sultanate of Ahlat (the Shah-Armen State) in 1156.

Ghiyasuddin Bahadur Shah

Bahram Khan recaptured Sonargaon for the Delhi Sultanate and he became the governor of Sonargaon.

Great Seal of the Realm

As centuries have gone by, most nations, whether a kingdom, empire, sultanate, emirate, republic, Islamic republic, state, commonwealth, confederation, federation, union, or whatever form of government usually has some form of National emblem, to go along with its other symbols of sovereignty, independence and nationality, such as its flag, national anthem or even a variety of official symbols such as a designated colors, bird, flower, stone, etc.

Gujarat Sultanate

The Gujarat Sultanate was an independent kingdom established in the early 15th century in Gujarat.

Kambangan Island

One of the main cultural events is Sedekah Laut (sea sacrifice), which is held by the Surakarta Sultanate every new year in the Javanese calendar.

Kilwa Sultanate

At the zenith of its power in the 15th century, the Kilwa Sultanate owned or claimed overlordship over the mainland cities of Malindi, Inhambane and Sofala and the island-states of Mombassa, Pemba, Zanzibar, Mafia, Comoro and Mozambique (plus numerous smaller places) - essentially what is now often referred to as the "Swahili Coast".

Lumbatan, Lanao del Sur

Macadar old town of Lumbatan Pat ka Apo sa Macadar Among to the 17 (Rulers) Sultanate of Lanao.

Madurai Sultanate

The Governor of Ma'bar, Jalaluddin Ahsan Khan declared independence and set up the Madurai Sultanate.

The sultanate was proclaimed in 1335 when the then viceroy of Madurai, Jalaluddin Ahsan Khan declared his independence from the Delhi Sultanate.

Mahmud II of Johor

However, Bugis mercenaries that assisted him in this campaign changed sides and he was eventually forced to flee to Siak, where he founded a new Sultanate.

Mangkunegara II

At the time of Raffles ruled Java replaced Janssens, Sultanate Yogyakarta threatened dibubarkan.Campur Mangkunegaran hands with Legion Mangkunegaran successfulto prevent the dissolution of the Sultanate with the completion of the founding of the Duchy Paku Alaman.

Mohamed Ali Al-Shaaban

Al-Shaaban’s ambitions pushed him to be nominated as the stations correspondent at the GCC Summit in 2008 and 2009, in the Sultanate of Oman and State of Kuwait respectively.

Nawabganj District

One of the most graceful monument of the Sultanate period is the Chhota Sona Masjid or Sona Mosque at Gaur in Chapainawabganj Built by one Wali Muhammad during the reign of Sultan Alauddin Husain Shah (1493–1519).


During Akbar's era, Sultan Hussain Khan of Pakhli revolted against him on the basis that the Delhi Sultanate was interfering into Pakhli's internal affairs.


In 1277, Baybars entered the Seljuk sultanate and on 18 March, overcame the Mongol army in Elbistan, while Pervâne, who was in command of the Seljuk contingent expected by both Baybars and the Mongols, took flight to Tokat along with the young sultan.

According to Ibn Shaddad, when Baybars came to Syria in 1275, Pervâne played a pivotal role in dissuading him from his plans for invading the Anatolian heartland and directed him rather towards raids in the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia, persuading him to leave the territories of his sultanate to the following year.

Prince Notonegoro

His Royal Highness Prince Notonegoro (Prince Notonegoro) is the Prince Consort to Princess Hayu the fourth Princess of Yogyakarta Sultanate, daughter of His Majesty Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and Her Majesty Queen Hemas

Ramathibodi II

Though unable to conquer Malacca, Siam managed to exact tributes from the Malacca sultanate and other sultanates like Pattani, Pahang, and Kelantan.

Royal and Hashemite Order of the Pearl

In his care for preservation of the ancient customs of the Sultanate and the values of the nation, Ampun Sultan Muedzul Lail Tan Kiram in 2011 used his right of a fons honorum to create an Order, thus developing the traditional honours of the Royal court in a form accepted internationally.

Rukunuddin Barbak Shah

Again according to the Mirzaganj inscription, the Bakerganj area was also included in his sultanate.

Sayyid dynasty

The central authority of the Delhi Sultanate had been fatally weakened by the successive invasion of Timur and his sack of Delhi in 1398.

Shatti Al-Qurum School

The Shatti Al-Qurum Secondary School (SQS), located in Shatti Al Qurum Muscat, Oman, is one of the most famous public high schools in the Sultanate.

Sultanate of Cirebon

The realm of the Sultanate of Cirebon at that time include Indramayu, Majalengka, Kuningan, modern Cirebon Regency and Municipality.

Sultanate of Damagaram

The Sultanate of Damagaram was founded in 1731 (near Myrria, modern Niger) by Muslim Kanouri aristocrats, led by Mallam (r. 1736–1743).

Sultanate of Dara

Dara was too distant to be threatened by invasion from Abyssinia but it was the first Sultanate to fall to the Oromo migrations.

Sultanate of Harar

The Sultanate of Harar was a medieval kingdom in Harar, situated in present-day Ethiopia.

Sultanate of Jarin

The territory of the sultanate was vast, stretching from the Tokar river near the modern border with Eritrea and their border with the Sultanate of Baqulin, west to the Butana plain and the Nubian Kingdom of Alodia, and north to the Nile river and the virtually uninhabitable red sea hills.

Sultanate of Lahej

The Sultanate of Lahej and others surrounding the Port of Adan had economic influence by supporting the important trade economy of the British Empire from South Asia.

Sultanate of Langkat

The Sultanate of Langkat was a Muslim state located in modern Langkat Regency, North Sumatra.

Sultanate of Singgora

The Sultanate of Singora was a port city located on and around the foothills of Khao Daeng mountain, now in Singha Nakhon, Songkhla Province, Thailand.

Sultanate of Tidore

Sultanate of Tidore (Indonesian: Kesultanan Tidore, sometimes Kerajaan Tidore) was a sultanate in Southeast Asia, centered on the Spice Islands of Tidore, a rival of Sultanate of Ternate for control of the spice trade.

Sulu Archipelago

In the second half of the 18th century, Great Britain became a new player in the archipelago After occupying Manila from 1762 – 64, during the Thirty years war between Spain and Great Britain, the British Army withdrew to the south and established trading alliances between the Sulu Sultanate and the British East India Company.

Tamil Nadu under the Vijayanagar Empire

However, in 1335, Jalaluddin Ahsan Khan, the Sultan's viceroy at Madurai declared himself independent and formed the Madurai Sultanate after declaring himself sultan.

Tun Ali

Tun Ali of Malacca, 15th century Bendahara of the Malacca sultanate of Tamil-Malay ethnicity

Tun Fatimah

The younger of the second Prince, Raja Raden Ali would in a few years become the second ruler of Johor Sultanate as Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah for 36 years.

Upper Yafa

Artistamp artist Bruce Grenville has created a set of stamps for the Sultanate of Upper Yafa.

Wardha district

Later on, Wardha was ruled by Chalukyas, Rashtrakutas, Yadavas, Delhi Sultanate, Bahamani Sultanate, Muslim ruler of Berar, Gonds and Maratha.

see also