
2 unusual facts about tableaux


BBC Radio 3 chose the recording by Rustem Hayroudinoff (Chandos Records) as the finest version of the Complete Études-Tableaux, in its programme Building a Library.

The Op. 33 Études-Tableaux were originally meant to comprise nine études when Rachmaninoff wrote them at Ivanovka.

1869 Pictorial Issue

Two others present historical tableaux drawn from famous paintings of crucial national events: John Vanderlyn's Landing of Columbus (15 cent) and John Trumbull's Signing of the Declaration of Independence (24 cent).

A Corner in Wheat

Intercutting (cross-cutting) between still tableaux of the poor in the bread line and the lavish, active parties of the wealthy speculator somewhat anticipates the collision montage which became a hallmark of the politically charged Soviet cinema a decade or so later.

Anne Claude de Caylus

He caused engravings to be made, at his own expense, of Bartoli's copies from ancient pictures and published Nouveaux sujets de peinture et de sculpture (1755) and Tableaux tirés de l'Iliade, de l'Odyssée, et de l'Enéide (1757).

Church of Saint John the Baptist, Liverpool

There was controversy before the church was consecrated because Bodley intended to use an early 16th-century altarpiece from Antwerp which had carved tableaux of the Passion as the reredos.

David Octavius Hill

Other tableaux in the same setting included The Artist and The Gravedigger

Dr. Ox's Experiment

The story was adapted by Jacques Offenbach as Le docteur Ox, an opéra-bouffe in three acts and six tableaux, premiered on 26 January 1877 with a libretto by Arnold Mortier, Philippe Gille and Verne himself.

Ernest Fanelli

Fanelli was supported by Judith Gautier, the daughter of Theophile Gautier, whose novel The Romance of the Mummy had inspired the Tableaux Symphoniques.

Fanelli's most notable composition, Tableaux Symphoniques d'apres le Roman de la Momie was a symphonic poem in a series of "tableaux" illustrating the novel The Romance of the Mummy by Théophile Gautier.

Florence Fleming Noyes

In 1912 she opened her first dance studio in Carnegie Hall and in 1913 she dressed as Liberty at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. as part of a living tableaux to bring publicity for the cause of women's right to vote.

Full Metal Village

Full Metal Village is a 2007 documentary film about the lives of the residents of a small village in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein, Wacken, in a series of interviews and visual tableaux as it prepares for the annual Wacken Open Air Festival.

Gardens of the Imagination

Designed in 1996 by landscape architect Kathryn Gustafson and architect Ian Ritchie, it uses thirteen tableaux to present the myths and legends of the history of gardens; the axis of winds; perspectives; elementary gardens; the sacred wood; the tunnel of vegetation; the theater of greenery; the water garden; the terraces of moss; the topiary garden; the rose garden; the iris garden; fountains, casade, and basins.

In the Steppes of Central Asia

The work was originally intended to be presented as one of several tableaux vivants to celebrate the silver anniversary of the reign of Alexander II of Russia, who had done much to expand the Russian Empire eastward.

James Marvel

Marvel's 2005 production of Igor Stravinsky's The Rake's Progress was deemed "breathtakingly beautiful" with "stage tableaux that were both kinetic and visually striking" by the San Francisco Chronicle.

Jan Saudek

In this they echo the studio and tableaux works of mid nineteenth century erotic photographers, as well as the works of the painter Balthus, and the work of Bernard Faucon.

Kuro Tanino

Influenced by Marcel Duchamp's method of creating miniatures of his work and carrying them around with him, Tanino considers his sets and plays to be like fully formed pictures, arranging performers like parts of an installation or tableaux.

Mécanisme de la physionomie humaine

These melodramatic tableaux include a nun in "extremely sorrowful prayer" experiencing "saintly transports of virginal purity"; a mother feeling both pain and joy while leaning over a child's crib; a bare-shouldered coquette looking at once offended, haughty and mocking; and three scenes from Lady Macbeth expressing the "aggressive and wicked passions of hatred, of jealousy, of cruel instincts," modulated to varying degrees of contrary feelings of filial piety.

Medieval pageant

Mystery play - Medieval plays focused on the presentation of Bible stories in churches as tableaux with accompanying antiphonal song.

Monsters of Grace

When he realized the enormous costs and effort that would be involved in performing such a project (which included such tableaux as a gigantic hand pulling a sword from the ocean and a helicopter flying over the Great Wall of China), Wilson and producer Jed Wheeler began looking into creating the entire visual end of the production with 3D computer graphics.

Richard Meale

Malouf also collaborated with Meale on his second operatic project, Mer de glace (1986–91), a tableaux-like juxtaposition of some ideas of the novel Frankenstein alongside the real dealings of Mary Shelley with Shelley and Byron.

Robert de Montesquiou

In his biography, Philippe Jullian proposes that Moberly and Jourdain's 'Adventure' in 1901 in the grounds of the Petit Trianon is explained by their stumbling into a rehearsal of one of Montesquiou's Tableaux Vivant, with his friends (one possibly transvestite) dressed in period costume.


It was designed in 1996 by landscape architect Kathryn Gustafson to present thirteen tableaux of the myths and legends of the history of gardens.

The Assassination of the Duke of Guise

There were two other features beside The Assassination, each with an original score of its own: Le Secret de Myrto, depicting ballerina Regina Badet dancing to music of Gaston Berardi; and L'Empreinte, with music by Fernand Le Borne contained a series of "picturesque tableaux" using silhouettes of Pierrot and other pantomime figures.

The Hero's Farewell

Lady Prudence and Gerald Maitland then organise the tableau, with tableaux of "Anthony and Cleopatra", "Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton" and "Columbus and Queen Isabella".

Young tableau

Various ways of counting Young tableaux have been explored and lead to the definition of and identities for Schur functions.

see also