
unusual facts about tannaim


#Sixth Generation: The interim generation between the Mishnah and the Talmud: Rabbis Shimon ben Judah HaNasi and Yehoshua ben Levi, etc.


Tannaim | tannaim |

Ben Bag-Bag

Ben Bag-Bag was a rather mysterious Rabbi and a disciple of Rabbi Hillel of the early Tannaim age, appearing at the end of the Mishnah in Pirkei Avot.

Bnei Bathyra

The general consensus attributes some Tannaim to this family, and the most known of these attributions is Judah ben Bathyra, who resided in Nusaybin west to Babylon.

Eleazar ha-Kappar

This is the only source from the era of the Tannaim that the term "Beth midrash" is cited.

Johanan bar Nappaha

Rabbi Yochanan's method in deciding halakha was to establish broad rules that apply in many cases; for example, he held that the halakha always follows a s'tam mishna (an undisputed anonymous mishna), and he had rules for which tanna ("Mishnah teacher") to follow in cases of dispute.

Sifri Zutta

R. Simeon's authorship is indicated by the fact that he is mentioned least often in the midrash, and that of the later tannaim R. Eleazar b. Simeon is mentioned a few times.


Johanan ben Nuri, one of the tannaim of the 1st and 2nd centuries, frequently cited in the Mishnah

see also