
10 unusual facts about halakha

António José da Silva

He confessed to having followed the practices of the Mosaic law, and this saved his life.

Atatürk's Reforms

Each millet had an internal system of governance based upon its religious law, such as Sharia, Catholic Canon law, or Jewish Halakha.

Golds World of Judaica

The store currently sells much Jewish literature, including the Siddur, Tanakh, Mishnah, Talmud, Halakhic works, as well as works of Jewish philosophy, Hasidut and Kabbalah, both in the original Hebrew version and with English translation, as well as many Jewish-themed non-fiction and fiction books.

Isaac ben Moses of Vienna

He attained his fame in Vienna and his major work, the halachic guide known as the Or Zarua, was very popular among Ashkenazic Jewry.

Israeli pruta

This pruta should not be confused with the halachic pruta, which is the minimal value of money for a variety of halachic applications.

Metropolitan Jewish Hospice

Because Orthodox Jewish patients look to Jewish law (Halakha) and tradition for guidance and answers regarding hospice care, Metropolitan Jewish Hospice created the Halachic Pathway that enables Orthodox Jewish patients to sign a Halachic Living Will if they so choose.

Netzah Yehuda Battalion

The purpose of the unit is to allow religious Israelis to serve in the IDF in an atmosphere conducive to their religious convictions, within a framework that is strictly halachically observant.

Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies

While Pardes welcomes its diverse student body, and encourages personal autonomy, the institution itself (along with the majority of the faculty) is fully committed to Halakha (Jewish law).

Samuel Loew

Samuel ben Nathan Ha-Levi Loew (Kelin or Kolin) (also “Lōw” or “Löw”, Hebrew: שמואל בן נתן נטע הלוי קעלין; ca. 1720–1806) was a Talmudist and Halakhist (“Authority on Jewish law”), son of Nathan Naṭe ha-Levi, born at Kolin, Bohemia.


Seah (volume) is a unit of dry volume of ancient origin used in Jewish law


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Abraham Hecht

Hecht was featured in a June 23, 1995, article by Larry Yudelson, for his assertion, at a rabbinical gathering, that Jewish Law (Halakha) could permit the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres for their proposal at Oslo to withdraw from parts of Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip.

Avraham Danzig

Rabbi Avraham Danzig (ben Yehiel Michael, אברהם דנציג ;1820–1748) was a Posek ("decisor") and codifier, best known as the author of the works of Jewish law Chayei Adam and Chochmas Adam; he is sometimes referred to as "the Chayei Adam".

Elisha ben Abuyah

He evidently had a reputation as an authority in questions of religious practice, since Mo'ed Katan 20a records one of his halakhic decisions — the only one in his name, although others may be recorded under the names of his students or different rabbis.

Gender separation in Judaism

In Judaism, especially in Orthodox tradition, there are a number of settings in which men and women are kept separate in order to conform with various elements of halakha and to prevent men and women from mingling.


The Geonim played a prominent and decisive role in the transmission and teaching of Torah and Jewish law.

History of the Jews in New Zealand

The current Prime Minister, John Key, was born to a Jewish mother and is thus considered Jewish under Halakha, though he is not practising.

House of Shammai

The House of Shammai was the most eminent contemporary and the halachic opponent of the House of Hillel, and is almost invariably mentioned along with him.

Igrot Kodesh

Its purview encompassing philosophy (be it Talmudic, Halachic, Hasidic, mystical or other), scientific matters, global events, counsel in private issues, schooling, and social/communal proceedings.

Israel Lewy

His first publication was Ueber Einige Fragmente aus der Mischna des Abba Saul (Berlin, 1876), in which he showed that the Mishnah collections of the foremost teachers in the period before the final redaction of the Mishnah itself, including that of Abba Saul, agreed as regards all the essential points of the Halakha.

Jewish views on astrology

In the Tur, an early code of Jewish law, the author brings forth the views of Nahmanides and Maimonides, and concurs with Nahmanides (Yoreh Deah 179).

Jewish views on religious pluralism

Maimonides, one of Judaism's most important theologians and legal experts, explained in detail why Jesus was wrong to create Christianity and why Muhammad was wrong to create Islam; he laments the pains Jews have suffered in persecution from followers of these new faiths as they attempted to supplant Judaism (in the case of Christianity, called Supersessionism).

Johanan bar Nappaha

Rabbi Yochanan's method in deciding halakha was to establish broad rules that apply in many cases; for example, he held that the halakha always follows a s'tam mishna (an undisputed anonymous mishna), and he had rules for which tanna ("Mishnah teacher") to follow in cases of dispute.

Noah Weinberg

In accordance with a halakhic ruling by Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl, Rav of the Old City, his casket was not allowed to be brought into the Old City for eulogies at his yeshiva, Aish HaTorah.

Rabbi Ishmael

Thus, his name became permanently associated with the halakha; but in the province of the Haggadah also, it occupies a prominent place (Mo'ed Katan, 28b).

Shema Yisrael Torah Network

The Shema Yisrael Torah Network is a group of (mainly English) websites dedicated to spreading Jewish thought, halakha (Jewish law) and other material through the World Wide Web, email and written material.

Torah Judaism

Torah Judaism is an English term used by a number of Orthodox Jewish groups to describe their Judaism as being based on an adherence to the laws of the Torah's mitzvot as expounded in Orthodox Halakha.

Who is a Jew?

As an example, the children of Madeleine Albright (who was raised Catholic and was unaware of her Jewish ancestry) would all be Jews according to halakha, since their mother's traceable female ancestors were all Jewish and all three of her children were female.

Yaakov Chaim Sofer

Ben Ish Chai, by Rabbi Yosef Chaim, a contemporaneous Sephardi work of Halakha incorporating Kabbalistic teachings.

Yalkut Yosef

Ben Ish Chai, by Rabbi Yosef Chaim, a Sephardi work of Halakha incorporating Kabbalistic teachings.